I'm a girl!
I've been playing offline for sometime, so I'm not sure about TBT, but I know in other groups there seems to be a significant amount of male players. I've also noticed that there is a HUGE age range for players as well.
I appreciate that
I am a gay male, and most of the time tend to get along better with females so I appreciate the fact they seem to be the majority in the ACNL community.
No "other" category? Preposterous!! I consider myself agendered, although I do go by female pronouns. I just haTE when people refer to my by my 'gender'. For example, when someone goes "come along girls/ladies" I AINT NO LADY D<
I'm a guy but I don't get along with guys very well tbh. I don't even understand my own gender, I'm definitely more of a "girly" guy than anything else. Like 90% of my friends IRL and my 3DS friends list is female.
And despite being a straight male, I can't land a date with any of them *cries*
I'm a guy. Honestly, these results don't surprise me. I feel like this kind of game is catered more to females, but I definitely see the appeal to the male population. I personally play because it's just really relaxing and a nice break from Pok?mon.