How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I'm male :eek: well, an ikea fanboy to be exact.
I guess boys are more into the whole first person shooter crap. I like uncharted, but I'm not one for CS:GO or Call of Duty. My best friend plays acnl, though, and has a lot of progress. He's a male.
I guess boys are more into the whole first person shooter crap. I like uncharted, but I'm not one for CS:GO or Call of Duty. My best friend plays acnl, though, and has a lot of progress. He's a male.

I play lots of FPS and all that crap, but I use ACNL to chill and relax. I honestly like ALL types of games, except for fighting games (you know, Street Fighter, MK, etc)

Funny story:
I have a gamer friend who, whenever asks me, "watcha playing?" and I tell him I'm playing ACNL, he's like... "Uuuh... bro, you're way too much into that game, dude"
And I'm just like... "dude, this game's so chill, it's hard not to be into it..."

I guess the fanbase being mainly female is what generates his expression xD but Idc... at least because of that I know that whoever I invite into my town, it is most likely someone I can trust. (A positive form of prejudice? xD)
Wow. As a male player, I did not expect to see such a huge difference in male to female players. I guess it makes sense, Animal Crossing isn't the most masculine game. However, It's still tons of fun and I definitely enjoy playing it more than other games I have (Fallout 4, CoD, etc.)
Looks like a lot of girls do play animal crossing from the polls vote. And the guys that I have played with were sometimes nice than the girls.

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Isn't there another option?
It would be nice to see more option. Lets hope when they update this thread they add more options.

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I sexually identify myself as an attack helicopter.
That is the best answer I have ever heard of.
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Whoah. I am actually surprised that the majority of TBT players are girls "-"
I'm a female! Ironically most of my online friends who play are male, but in ac communities themselves, I tend to see more females as a wholes. Sort of the opposite of pokemon, I've noticed.
female! strangely enough though, most of the people I know irl who play this game are male.
Female! It's sort of surprising the see how many more girls there are, I figured it would be closer to 50-50.
Male here. I have only met 2 males so far during trades/sales during my day here in the forums xD. The best thing is that they are so nice! (Could it be me? ;3)
I have two females and one male on my bf list, but all the others are female. I actually didn't notice until it was pointed out, but a lot more girls play ac apparently? Wow!