šŸŽ®How many Nintendo games you wish you could refund from eshop?

Off the top of my head:

Smash Bros 3DS: I bought it due to hype but fighting type games just aren't for me. I think my friend got more use out of it when my anime club had a get together a few years ago and everyone was playing Smash 3DS with each other but he only had the Wii U version. I just lent him my whole 3DS so he could join them.

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon: I thought I'd like the mystery dungeon games but I couldn't really get into this one. It was my first one of the series so I don't know if the series just isn't for me or just this specific game was meh.

Cattails: It's a cute looking indie game but for whatever reason I can't catch food to save my life so I basically just keep dying right at the beginning. I hope to give it another try in the future but I remember being frustrated by it.
Super Mystery Dungeon was really bad, at least to me. The story was just boring and it really felt like a game made for really little kids with the dialogue they used. It drove me nuts. I sold my copy.

I really liked Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. That was my first and imo it was far better. That said, I've also heard that Explorers of Sky is the best game in the series. I haven't played it to confirm that though.
Super Mystery Dungeon was really bad, at least to me. The story was just boring and it really felt like a game made for really little kids with the dialogue they used. It drove me nuts. I sold my copy.

I really liked Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team. That was my first and imo it was far better. That said, I've also heard that Explorers of Sky is the best game in the series. I haven't played it to confirm that though.

Yeah I've heard lots of positive things about Red/Blue Rescue Team over the years. If I decide to give the series another go I'll probably try the remake on Switch. I still don't know if I just don't like the series though or if it was Super Mystery Dungeon specifically that turned me off.
Never mind game refunds- my sister bought a switch lite, a case, a grip, ACNH, Mario Kart and Monopoly and racked up barely even 4 hours across all 3 games and hasn't touched it since March which is when she bought it šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚

I think my only refund would be Monopoly (to play with my sister) but I got that on a sale for Ā£7.99 so I don't really care too much.
I havenā€™t bought too many Switch games yet but if I could, Iā€™d refund Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s a great game! It definitely sounds right up my alley but I just canā€™t play it. :( Whenever I try it makes me feel so nauseous and out of sorts. Iā€™ve heard others have had similar issues with the game? I think itā€™s how the camera is implemented. Even if it didnā€™t make me feel sick itā€™s really confusing, especially when night comes. I thought Iā€™d try playing again last week but no, same experience again. šŸ˜…
I typically donā€™t do digital downloads but I did buy My Time at Portia and I donā€™t like the game at all and I think I spent like 30$ on it :( other than that I wish I didnā€™t pre order a few games like bio shock because it didnā€™t come with any fancy pre order bonus and as soon as it went on sale it dropped in price by like 10-20$ (n)
I typically only buy physical copies of games, usually the only eShop games I buy are impulse purchases when a game is on a good sale. Needless to say I have a lot of games I got for really cheap but have never played/only played for like an hour. Some that come to mind are Lego Harry Potter, Oxenfree, Thief Simulator (lol), Yonder: Cloud Chronicles, Firewatch, Celeste, and Ittle Dew 2. Basically I just canā€™t resist a good deal. It would be nice if I could get a couple bucks back for some of these tho
i avoid digital copies of games normally and think i've only bought three to date, all on my switch lite. if i could, i'd refund two of them. the first was just a little indie puzzle game. thought it would be fun but it got pretty frustrating/tiring fast and turned out not to be my kind of puzzle. luckily it only cost Ā£5 so not a total loss but, still, i could have bought an entire meal deal + extra snacks with that!

other game was MK8. very disappointed in that and wish i hadn't wasted the Ā£40-Ā£60 on it. i did want to get a physical copy second-hand but since the price was roughly the same anyway and i wasn't going near a second store any time soon, i just bought it on the eShop. would refund it in a heartbeat.

the third game was minecraft dungeons; fun and totally worth the money (Ā£25) i paid for it.
The only gave I have digitally is ACNH. Well and the sims. Ok and Forza. and Minecraft ahhhh

I was recommended Sid Mieierā€™s Civilization online from a friend since I liked city skylines and wasted either $30 or $40. It made no sense and the tutorial explains nothing and I have no idea what is going on. I wanted to play a video game, NOT GIT THROUGH 500 PAGES OF LEGAL PAPERWORK TO MAKE MY HOUSE THE 51ST STATE GOD
I donā€™t buy many games digital, only have ACNH and indies. But if I could, I would refund Golf Story. I know a lot of people like this game but I just didnā€™t enjoy the gameplay at all. I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad game, just not my thing.
I would refund Mario Party.
I played it for a hot minute and was so disappointed by how small the maps were and how few there were to pick from. The only reason I haven't deleted it from my system is because I think it'll be a good game to play with friends (on the off chance that I have any come over) and I'm lowkey hoping Nintendo will implement a refund policy at some stage
I would refund Mario Party.
I played it for a hot minute and was so disappointed by how small the maps were and how few there were to pick from. The only reason I haven't deleted it from my system is because I think it'll be a good game to play with friends (on the off chance that I have any come over) and I'm lowkey hoping Nintendo will implement a refund spolicy at some stage
Yeah to me l think it's a game only for people with a lot of friends to play with. I have zero friends so l never got any Mario Party games
I bought Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs and I wish I could get a refund for it - every time you go to a new location, there's a long loading time that really takes the enjoyment out of the game
On the switch: Pokemon Shield, I have found the game very boring and unappealing to me. I had never had much to do with the series so I don't know why I decided to give it a go but yeah, waste of money. It also makes me motion sick so re-fund please!
None on my switch since they were all gifts and I only have 3. And I play them frequently...

On my 3DS though:
- PokƩmon Moon. I had to buy a new SD card, only to find out 3 hours into the game that I hated it. Still finished it, though.
- possibly PokƩmon Yellow. Was fun at first but I got stuck in Victory Road 2-3 years ago & haven't bothered to figure out how to get out since.
- Super PokƩmon Mystery Dungeon. I guess I'm just bad at it or something because it seemed more difficult than GTI did... And when I realized I absolutely hated my and my partner's running animations, I decided to torture myself and restart it... I just wish I didn't spend money on the dang game at all!
- Tomodachi Life. Boring when you don't have any friends who play 3DS games anymore (or have friends in general).
(I don't think this is Nintendo, but hear me out anyway: )
- Mononoke Forest. Cute at first, but the difficulty ramps up A LOT, very quickly. Also, if your 3DS is old like mine, sometimes the calibration on your screen doesn't exactly work and you end up losing to a boss when they're on low health because of it.
I used to buy a lot of games on the Switch that were available on the PC but I regret it as I feel like my Joy Cons were ticking time bombs for drifting haha. I would like to have a physical copy of ACNH but I bought digital because I was living abroad and I wanted to play at midnight. I would like to refund Stardew valley and buy it on the PC as well. I'm being more careful about what I buy on the Switch now.
i would refund story of seasons: friends of mineral town. dont get me wrong, i know its a remake of an older 2003 title and so stardew would be a copy of it, however what stardew has on it is that it improved everything.

friends of mineral town is so...boring. and im on year two now so i did give it a good chance, just it feels like im alone in the game???? it feels like i dont really need to talk to anyone and everything is so repetitive
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also as someone said earlier in the thread, no customization options besides skins???? really?
generally i only buy games if they are on special, cos i am a cheap skate (i finally bought collar x malice after waiting over half a year for it to drop into a price range i could afford). So usually im pretty happy with them even if i don't play them much. However, one i would like a refund on because it was just that bad imo was burly men at sea. It was so hard to play, even with a guide, and the story was so lackluster after waiting so long for it.
Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles was SO boring ugh.

Calico has potential but itā€™s so ugly and I hate the soundtrack.