How many of the seasonal items do you buy?

lately at least 5 of each sometimes more lmao but i rarely use them tbh 😅 i havent logged in for a while now so ill have to go back and grab a few i missed. i wouldnt hoard so much if they didnt time lock some of the 2020 items d:
I do at least two. However, for the cucumber horse and eggplant cow, I did 5 each which I sort of regret.

The most # I bought was 15 of the valentine bouquets because I built a heart shape out of them. My storage is screaming.
I used to buy about 10 of each item. The intention was to give them away to people at Nook’s Cranny during the off season. However, not a lot of people actually needed them.

Now, I don’t buy more than one of each. Except for food items, especially if they look similar to other food.
Meh I don't really care much for them. I only bought a few of them and sure there are nice items, but at the end of day not really worth my time investing into them. No offense to anyone who likes them, I just personally don't care for them.
i guess it depends on the item(s) and what i'm going to do with them. i'll always at least buy one of everything just to say i have it, but when in doubt i will buy two. for food items i would most likely buy a few, but i don't think my storage can handle a hand full of each item so only the ones i see myself using around my island.
Most of the time, I just buy one for collection sake. But again, it depends on the item.
- I buy 1 or two if it's a food item.
- Only 1 if it's clothing. Unless it's something I want my villagers to wear, then I buy more.
- At least 2 pieces if it's decorative, for symmetry sake.
I don't use most of them. My favorite was the blossom lamp. I use those a lot. But not so many food items. I like to have them when I want to make a restaurant or cafe though.
one. the only time i ever bought more of an item was with the children's day crown and shirt, since i wrapped them up and gave them to my lazy villagers. (who i have four of.) i'm not a decorator, so i'm pretty confident i'm never going to need multiples of an item.
It depends on the item. If I don’t like it I will buy one. If I love them and would decorate with them I might buy 15. Sometimes I buy extra to give to villagers.
I bought ten of each. I have to order some of the songpyeon next time i go on, before they are gone. I may order more 🤔. I was considering not logging in at all but I know later I may regret it. I usually order ten of each seasonal item depending on what it is.
i typically only buy one of each, but i bought several bamboo grasses and rodeo-style springy ride-ons as i really liked them (and still do!). i always have the urge to buy multiple of the food ones myself, but i tend to stick with just one of each of those as well, as i don’t decorate all that often and don’t want my storage full of them. 😅
It depends on if I like the item or not. if i don't like the item, I will at least buy 1, but if I love the item then I buy a couple of them to make sure I'll have enough to decorate with. With food items, I buy 2 of them because I try not to buy too many because of storage space.
I'll always get 1 of each, though if I think I might use them I'll get at least 2 of each, though due to the storage issues I've been having, I've had to leave them in my mailbox recently, lol.
I usually buy multiples of food items. I ended up using 5 New Years noodles around my island so I always buy extras of food items just in case. I usually don’t buy multiples of sets like the wedding set because I know I won’t use them.
I tend to buy 2-3 in case a friend forgets to get them and realizes later. It's helped out a couple times.
Too many, I still have a bunch of π pie (20 of them!) and some of the stuff from Valentine's day just sitting in my inventory.
I'm planning to use them, but not all.
I have since stop buying that many lol.
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I always buy 2 or 3 of each item. Most of the time they end up in my storage. Some of them are really good to decorate with. I really like the food items for decorating (I really wish they made more food!) My favourites are the New Years grapes and noodle bowls. However, there are seasonal items I skip entirely. I remembered ignoring the megaphones when they came out. Not really into American football so I didn't care about the items.
If it is an item that I do not care for, 1 or 2. But if it something that I like and I know I'll use, multiples, but probably up to 4.