how many other currently active members share your join date?

King Dorado

you can do anything
Aug 4, 2015
Rebel Gnome
Fossil Easter Egg
Ladybug Easter Egg
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
today is the one year anniversary of when i joined the forums, so i was curious and checked the members list:

looks like 38 other people joined on the same day as me, and of those only 1 other person is recently active... ;A;

how about from your join date, how many other people remain active on the site?
how do you specifically check it? :0 Would be fun if someone had the same date though...
how do you specifically check it? :0 Would be fun if someone had the same date though...

you go to the members list, then click the tab up top for join date and it reorders the list accordingly. looks like a lot of people joined on your date, but only two others are currently active:

and TeeTee
there were 34 people that joined on the same date at me, but only three of those ever really posted more than a few times. all but one (P. Star) are inactive :eek: haven't seem them around much lately though.
you go to the members list, then click the tab up top for join date and it reorders the list accordingly. looks like a lot of people joined on your date, but only two others are currently active:

and TeeTee

ohh thanks, i don't know either but ye thanks for showing me ^^
you go to the members list, then click the tab up top for join date and it reorders the list accordingly. looks like a lot of people joined on your date, but only two others are currently active:

and TeeTee

lol even with the directions I still couldn't figure it out ; v ; king dad help meee!
I knew two other members that joined the same day I did, but I'm pretty much the only one left. If I never returned, there would be nobody who joined 9/9/14 left.
June 11th is a very special date. When viewing the forum in my time zone (GMT) it shows that Justin, Gandalf, and I all joined on that date in different years!
June 11th is a very special date. When viewing the forum in my time zone (GMT) it shows that Justin, Gandalf, and I all joined on that date in different years!

whoa, that's pretty cool-- did you have to separately check for each year, or is there a way to show all joins for a date regardless of year?

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lol even with the directions I still couldn't figure it out ; v ; king dad help meee!

aw man, looks like you're the only one still active from your join date.

22 others joined that day, but only two other members from that join day have posted earlier this year:
hypengyophobia; and Auty.
whoa, that's pretty cool-- did you have to separately check for each year, or is there a way to show all joins for a date regardless of year?

- - - Post Merge - - -

aw man, looks like you're the only one still active from your join date.

22 others joined that day, but only two other members from that join day have posted earlier this year:
hypengyophobia; and Auty.

I win! haha j/k i'm probably active enough for the 22 of us ; - ; Thanks for looking it up for me! :D :D
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I'm not sure where the member list is, but I joined the day before Halloween in 2011.

June 11th is a very special date. When viewing the forum in my time zone (GMT) it shows that Justin, Gandalf, and I all joined on that date in different years!

Ha! June 11th is my birthday! :D it really is a special day!
I really don't know :p
I can go to the member list but don't know how to put the list according to me
a total of 70 people joined on the day i did (including me) quite a bit, but i guess it was summer! sadly most of them seemed to only have been active for that first day and never used their account again lol. about 5 have been on within the last couple of months though, and two of them were active within the last two days, LunaLight and EleriDragonfly. I think I've seen the former around before.
Well, besides me. Puffy is the closest one I got. On my birthday (July 22nd) however, its BungoTheElf and a little bit of strawberrywine.
today is the one year anniversary of when i joined the forums, so i was curious and checked the members list:

looks like 38 other people joined on the same day as me, and of those only 1 other person is recently active... ;A;

how about from your join date, how many other people remain active on the site?

It is a special day for me as well, my son was born today 35 years ago.

If I counted correctly 85 joined the day I did, and only 5 plus myself are still active.
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85 people joined on the same day as me. only one other person including myself is active!
im the only active person from the day i joined
i dunno how many there were that joined though