I'm curious how many people have more than one player on their island, and if so, is it you plus other members of your household, or you and your alternate characters?
For me I have three. My original player, and two other characters with themed houses. I did this partially because I ran out of storage and but mostly because I ran out of rooms to decorate. So I have a Halloween-themed house and a shopping mall house.
Just me. I don't share my Switch with anyone else, and I don't want to make profiles for other characters. Otherwise, if I could just make them in-game without needing to add another profile, I might make more.
I have a second character because at the beginning of the game I had big visions of designing a second house to look like a restaurant, but I'm usually too lazy to switch accounts and get all the furniture over to them somehow. it's getting there though. back at the very beginning of the game I also shared an island with my sister, but I got my own switch so I don't have to worry about that any more.
i have 3 characters and they're all based of tv shows i watch lol
there's my main character, who i called cat noir because i love cat noir from miraculous, since this is my main character the house is just based on my own personality and nothing from the tv show ☆
my 2nd character is amity, named after amity blight from the owl house, who i gave a witchy cottage themed house
and my 3rd character is dipper, based off dipper pines from gravity falls, i made their house into the mystery shack because gravity falls is actually a work of art and i wanted everyone to know how much i love it ♡
i'll probably make more at some point, i loved happy home designer when i was younger so i find decorating houses in this game really fun
On my main island I have one. I'm totally out of room and I don't think I can fit another one in. Since we got the storage upgrade I really don't feel the need to!
On my second new island I have me and one other character, Frodo. I use his house mainly for storage but I'm planning on designing a little hobbit hole for the interior- I'm still collecting the recipes and furniture I need! I don't think I'll ever do any more than that, especially since I have a nice area to move off seasonal things and stuff. Poor Frodo is a hoarder!!
I have three currently. I've had the game since release so my Mum also had a villager on my island. I left her to make her character and when I got back home she'd managed to create two in error. So I have me, Emmsey. My Mums character, Rupeep- she now has her own switch so doesn't play on my island generally. Samwise - the character she created in error that villagers love to ask about but has never been seen or heard of on Hobbiton! LOL I'm generally too lazy to do anything about it...
I own 4 (counting my Island Rep). 2 of which do not have houses on the island. They live in the town hall collecting dust. I was going to delete them, but I liked that they roam the island in Dreams
On Goose Isle I have 2 that are both characters I created. On my second island I also have 2 right now, but I plan to have 5 total. I created the switch profile for a third character, but I haven’t added her to the game yet because I recently unlocked terraforming and I’ve been busy with changing my island.
I have multiple players so I can have more rooms to decorate and more chances to purchase art from Jolly Redd. Sometimes having additional houses can make the island exterior decorating nicer. For example, I have a house up on the 3rd level that is my fortress but there's also an interesting valley naturally occurring on the island so I made a second house on the 1st level, which is a spooky house at the end of the valley. One reaches it by going down a single width winding path through trees and I was able to place the spooky carriage near the path and use the spooky arch. I don't play that character very often anymore so I have to go in her house once in awhile and stomp out the cockroaches.
I have 5. One for each of the main 5 Sailor Moon characters as my island is Sailor Moon themed. Now, unlike most people who have more than one character that they don't share with a family member, friend etc. I actually play as all 5 as I don't have a main character and I try to play as them all as equally as I can.
Before the game came out I totally had a plan and ideas for 8 characters but that's super hard to maintain especially when I play as all my characters instead of just using them for storage and an extra house to decorate. Also when it comes to Sailor Moon there's clearly a main 5, and then an additional 5 more supporting characters (6 if you include Tuxedo Mask) so if I did do more than the main 5 I'd only be able to make 3 of the 5/6 additional supporting characters which would make for a really tough choice. I also like having more space on my island to work with with only 5 houses.
I have two--my S/O and I--so we can live island life together. He also has a character of me on his island. It's nice to have a second house to do additional interior decorating and have more storage, but that's enough for both of us.
Because I'm the only one in my family who plays AC. Also, interior decorating is not a major reason why I play the game. If I had another player house to decorate, I'd feel stressed, not excited! If only we could trade these optional player characters and houses for more animals to live on our islands instead.
I got one alt account so far, but going to add more, I'm going for a town vibe, and Nintendo in their infinite wisdom don't seem to be adding any buildings which is highly disappointing, so I'm making my own..