I have two characters on my island. My main and my alt. I usually play as both each day. I wanted my main house on the beach and an alt on my third tier.
I have two characters, me and my fiance. he doesn't really play ever though so it's mostly just me making/designing everything and then he'll jump on if theres a bug off or something haha
First character's house is a normal house, second character's house is a hotel, and third character's house has mainly season-themed rooms; so the first room has the mermaid set and it represents summer, the 3 smaller rooms have frozen furniture, cherry blossom stuff, and fall stuff each representing their respective seasons.
The upstairs is full of Redd's statues and some art, and the basement is treasure themed, with mainly Gullivarr and some Gulliver items.
on my main island i have two. i made the second one so i could have more storage and get more diys from celeste, more models from flick etc. i haven't decorated the houses very well yet but i plan on making a themed house for my second character
just me! i’m the only one playing my switch. i made multiple players in previous games but i never used the secondary characters much except for storage so i didn’t make any this time around
I have two. I didn't originally intend to have another resident, but the need for storage space urged me. Also, I plan on turning the second player's house into a facility of sorts rather than keeping it empty.
Main Island has 2 players and 2nd Island has 3 Players. I play all 5 players.
The extra players catch all bugs/fish/diving creatures and complete goals. Those players were helpful early on with DIY recipes, Redd and Celeste. Each island has a beach theme house.
I actually made the second character so all the villager icons on the map would be symmetrical but I figured I’d make good use of her too. Which I did, pretty well if I say so myself!
It's just me. I have considered creating a second character in the past but I don't see the point in doing it since I don't share ACNH with anyone. If I did it, even only to create something like a restaurant, a sauna or such thematic buildings, it would feel unnatural to me. Back in New Leaf, I used to have three residents because my brother and sister used to play ac too but they soon abandoned the game. So I used their houses to create a hotel and a fancy abandoned villa. Maybe I'm just weird but in New Horizons I would just delete their profiles because their icons appearing on the map would annoy me so much.
definitely debating about whether or not i want to make some bonus characters. my perfectionism screams no, since i'm the only one that uses my switch, and multiple profiles on there would drive me absolutely insane, but my need for more storage and aesthetic say yes. i think i would be much more inclined to do it if a second profile also meant we got more custom-design slots. who knows though, maybe i'll have a stroke of inspiration someday and decide that i really need a second house. for now though, it's just me!
i’ve got three; my island rep + my other two characters. i honestly don’t really use my alt characters for anything other than storage and being able to implement more interior design ideas but i like having them around,, plus, their houses help to fill up some of the space on my island, which is nice, too. i’ve currently got plans to delete one of them in the future, though, so eventually it’ll just be my island rep and one other character. >_<
i have three! to be honest i only wanted two residents and anymore would be overcrowding my island but i neeed space to store my enormous amount of furniture so i had no choice but to create another resident and it wasn't that bad. i managed to have space for him and decorated his house nicely. Both interior and exterior.