How many residents do you have?

How many island residents (players) do you have?

  • Just me

    Votes: 40 41.7%
  • two

    Votes: 24 25.0%
  • three

    Votes: 16 16.7%
  • four

    Votes: 8 8.3%
  • five

    Votes: 4 4.2%
  • six

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • seven

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • eight

    Votes: 3 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just me now, but I'm thinking of adding another character so I can put a tent on part of my island. That's the only reason though.
My Island is just me. I don't think I want to add any more characters, being alone on my own tropical island is part of the fantasy lol
I have 5. One for each of the main 5 Sailor Moon characters as my island is Sailor Moon themed. Now, unlike most people who have more than one character that they don't share with a family member, friend etc. I actually play as all 5 as I don't have a main character and I try to play as them all as equally as I can.

Before the game came out I totally had a plan and ideas for 8 characters but that's super hard to maintain especially when I play as all my characters instead of just using them for storage and an extra house to decorate. Also when it comes to Sailor Moon there's clearly a main 5, and then an additional 5 more supporting characters (6 if you include Tuxedo Mask) so if I did do more than the main 5 I'd only be able to make 3 of the 5/6 additional supporting characters which would make for a really tough choice. I also like having more space on my island to work with with only 5 houses.

ahh nice! 5 characters sounds intense for me (haha), but i feel like it really fits your island theme! Do you have a DA by any chance?? I would love to visit!

personally for myself - i just have one player lol
I have two characters! I mainly have 2 because I like to experiment with different interior decorating styles.

My IRL personal style is kind of minimalist, natural, and somewhat "urban outfitters" and I like my AC house for my character to reflect that. But also in AC, there are usually a lot of fun items I enjoy that do not fit my style, like the "cute" series. I don't want my personal house to have these items, but at the same time I really want to use these items for fun, since AC is a fun video game. SO my solution is making an additional character who has a totally different style than I do. In NL I had 3 characters, one was me, one had a cutesy theme, and the last had a "cottage core"/forest theme. My third character in NL was also named after my family dog who passed away when I was in elementary school. Continuing that theme, my 2nd character in NH is named after my other family dog who recently passed away.
I have two resident characters. First resident is my main player and the second player was originally created for the hubs so he can play too, but that never ended up happening. So now I just use the second player for extra storage purposes, extra items and things of that nature.
I have two alternate resident because I wanna create a theme house ^^, my second house is a 4 seasons theme and the last one is about festival like halloween, thanksgiving, christmas....I like these houses but sure it is expensive lol
ahh nice! 5 characters sounds intense for me (haha), but i feel like it really fits your island theme! Do you have a DA by any chance?? I would love to visit!

personally for myself - i just have one player lol

It has it’s moments for sure, but I mostly stick to playing one character a day and rotating through them so that helps. No way I’d be able to handle all 5 every single day.

I do have a DA. It’s in my signature but in case you are on mobile I’ll post it here as well:

DA: 1017-6659-5710
I have only had another account in New Leaf and that was just for buying fake art from Redd - nothing more.
I feel like Animal Crossing is almost like Minecraft, where you are the one true human, and if you have eight humans on your island, it should make humans just as common as animals - I’m going to stop here, because this isn’t Game Theory.

Hello Internet...
And welcome to - fine I’ll shut up.
Five. I have my main, Cat. Then there's Doug and his little sister Bunny. Doug (I went with an animal theme for names, remove a letter for his) was Cat's old rival in her hometown. When he heard about how well Cat was doing on her new island home, he decided he'd go find an island and start a new life to impress everyone, too. But he didn't have the guts to move to a truly deserted island, so he moved to one that was already pretty established. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES- it was the same one Cat was on! Then, his baby sister Bunny moved in, following him, just before her favorite holiday (...guess)

After that, Marlin washed up on shore in the summer. He's a sailor and fisherman who just sort of wanders around, but he really liked Woodland, so he set up a home there- but he still travels a lot, so his home isn't always occupied. He also knows Vic, one of my villagers who washed up on shore, since Vic was his captain for a bit.

And, lastly, Raven. Raven is Cat's quirky cousin. Who's also a witch. When she heard how happy Cat was on her island, she decided to join her. Tom Nook was worried there wasn't enough space for a house, BUT there was the creepy abandoned house in the woods. Everyone else had seen it and been like "nope" but Raven thought it was PERFECT and moved in right away. She now mostly keeps to herself, with residents mainly being reminded of her existence thanks to odd smells and flashes of light coming from her house.

Doug is a version of a character I've added in almost every game. Bunny was an addition later on. In my head, both are the children of one of my character's from the original game, Candy. Cat's the daughter on my character from ACNL, Piper. And Raven's the daughter of my main character from the first game, dolly (I forgot to cap her name IIRC and then just... never bothered to do so). Raven's also a character I've had since CF, when I made a character specifically to deck out their house in all the cool Halloween stuff. I had to fudge the timeline a bit in my head to make it work for her to be Cat's cousin, but oh well! And Marlin was a random addition because I wanted to decorate a house with all the cool beach/pirate stuff.
island of Sauce: just me.
Sos Island (last island, rarely play on it anymore): Me + 3 others who never played. like, ever. so they never bothered me tbh. which is great, i hear that sharing an island is absolute s***
I only have my main player! I don't share my Switch with anyone and since there aren't extra design slots if you get an extra resident, I haven't felt the need to add a new one just yet. Who knows what I'll do in the future though,,,
Right now I have 6. Four of them are me and two of them are my brother. I'll probably end up with 8 in the future.
Just me.
Even when I share switch with other family members, nobody is into AC so I don't have to worry about my island. At some point, I thought of making an alt account for space purposes but now with the extra storage space, I don't need it anymore.
I have 5! Its me and my roommate with our own accounts. The other three are all me. I created them to have a tent, a library, and a fisherman. The theme is the four elements (and im the avatar because I can't choose a theme). The library is air, my fisherman is obviously water, the tent character is a tarot witch of fire, and my roommate is earth because she loves to garden. My fishermans name is old man. He's another cranky villager and he and octavian live close together
Just three. My boyfriend made a character and I made an extra one for storage. My boyfriend didn't play for long so I have two extra characters for storage that I don't really need right now. One of them is going to be a beach house and I haven't decided what the other house will be yet.
I'm the lone tyrant on the island.

I don't have much creative juice to create another character and decorate their home.
I have 3. My main and my stuff gathering alts. I made them originally just to get extra stuff from Redd. But I realized I could also use them for extra diys, mermaid, gulliver/varr stuff and mom items. I may get rid of them down the line when their usefulness runs out.