Animal crossing is great but sometimes you want to restart your town and start fresh.
How many times have you restarted your game?
For what reasons?
Personally, I've restarted like 6 times or so. Mostly because I kept changing my idea of what a "good" map was the last time i restarted was because i hadn't played in that town for months so i wanted to start anew.
I've just bought my 4th New Leaf like a week or so ago and I've been resetting over and over so maybe over 100 times xD because i wanted 2 beaches/shores and a blue train station and even land on both sides cx and not too much running around to get to the villagers' houses cx yeah.. Cx
I've only restarted three times; the first because
I wanted a new layout and my name was very
outdated quq the second because again, I wanted
to change my mayor and town name, and the third
because I lost my previous game, so I had to buy
a whole new game cartridge quq
The tip-off was that Pecan's letter started with "From the memories" or something like that.
Poor Pit... Crying like that... He wasn't ready for her sudden leave. He was then forced to quit the town too out of regret and asked Palutena back in Skyworld to cover the town with white tarp.
A lot, I can't really remember or count how many times. I'm about to restart my second town again.
I usually reset after a break, I get super attached to my tow and things and after not playing for a while I don't feel attached anymore, and then to me there's no point carrying on, so I'l reset, and again,and again. I got my main game on the 4th of this month and I'm hoping to never reset, for once
bout 4 times,
reason being is that the first 2 i was 8, and i did not like my town when i was 8
3rd time i reset i didnt like the villagers im very picky c:
4th time i reset it was the town layout was garb garb
basically: bad times
It depends on what you mean by restart. I've restarted more times than I can count, simply to get a specific villager.
Out of actual full reset/restarts, I've only done it three times. The first time because I found out I could, the second to get Diana, which I kept for a few years, then a third time last year because I sold my 3DS and all of my games and had finally gotten the money to buy a 2DS and another copy of ACNL.
I've restarted countless times (I'd want to say about 7 or 8 times, maybe more) because I wanted better villagers, better town map, and different native fruit.
More times than I can count on my hands and toes... I'm a total perfectionist, if I notice something wrong I always reset, and it kills me! I've practically memorized the Sable conversations, lol.
0times because I'm not a person who likes to restart things. One time I was thinking about restarting I didn't want to lose any progress I made in the game.