How many US states can you identify?

US states, can you identify them?

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Nov 18, 2018
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I personally can identify all 50, along with about 45 state capitals. I can identify all 50 in 1 min 13 sec. I know it's odd lol, So how many can you identify?
I just took a test thing and got 32 lmao
when I was in school I could remember p much all of them, but I tossed everything I ever learned out the window afterwards lol
I can name all 50 states, including the capitals and largest cities.

EDIT: I just tried the largest cities quiz. I got all 50 of them right.
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No idea, it's not that prioritized over here. Probably some chunk though but don't get me started on capitals.
I did a test right now and got 48/50, just swapped 2 of them around. Don't ask me about capitols though, I'd feel proud if I could name even 3 of them.
I'm not american and only know texas because of that one spongebob episode :p I know all my country's provinces tho :cool:
i've never gone out of this country, yet i only know six states apparently
Oh no, I'm having middle school flashbacks haha. I was always so bad at memorizing these.
I know I could get at least six right. I'm not even going to give it a shot honestly, I'm too fearful.
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When I was in fifth grade my social studies class (which I don't think was even labeled as geography?) made this big deal of preparing us for a test at the end of the year where they'd give us a blank map and we'd fill in the states and capitals on our own. I was able to do it then and I think I still could. Probably not the capitals, though.
Able to identify all 50 of them. Can’t be bothered to remember or name all the capitals, however.
my us history teacher last year forced us to memorize them and the capitals so i did and i can still remember
As far as naming the correct states with their shapes, I think I can do most of them on the coastline. The others, maybe? I'm a bad American haha. Oh and what is considered the Southeast vacation states.
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Not a lot. At all. Lol.

I can name quite a few tho, but placing? Nu uh. No chance. I only know where around 5 is placed.
My guess is maybe 10 if I'm lucky. I often get confused which is a city and which is a state lmao

I did a test and could name 25 so better than I thought I guess!

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Not a lot. At all. Lol.

I can name quite a few tho, but placing? Nu uh. No chance. I only know where around 5 is placed.

Oh yeah same here haha. I have no bloody clue where any of them are xD
I only know a couple despite living in Canada. Thank goodness I only have to know 10 provinces and 3 territories. I don't even know how you guys manage to remember up to 50!
Brings me back to elementary school, we had to study all states and their capitals. I did really well but now that over a decade has passed, I can manage to successfully locate 30 on the map... (Sorry to Vermont, Delaware, and New Hampshire... I forgot you were states)
I'm not American, but I took a test and got 41 correct. Most of my errors were in the upper East Coast, since the states there are incredibly tiny for some reason. Everywhere else is fairly easy to remember.
I took a US states quiz on Sporcle and I got 49/50. Somehow I forgot Nebraska lmao

I can’t forget any state. Especially when I pay a lot of attention to elections and stuff.

You’ll be surprised if I told you all of the largest cities without using a resource.