How many US states can you identify?

US states, can you identify them?

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I personally can identify all 50 if you ask me to name them all, but if you ask me to identify them just by a picture of their shapes individually, I would be SOL once I got to the states in the middle of the nation like Kansas, etc. since they all look similar shape-wise! xD
Oooof I?ve only ever had one geography class and it was in six grade. Apparently this is a subject that is not prioritized or ever brought up again in school. Also when I was in the class ( it was a regular class before they bumped me to Honors the year after) the students there and teachers really weren?t the best. I?m lucky if I can recognize 5.
Not many. Since I don't live in the US so I don't bother to care, unless i'm asked to learn them.
I did a test and I got 25/50, mostly remembering some from vines