How many villagers would you like to have on your island?

8 is what I keep on my second island, and it works for me. That allows me to have 1 of each personality, and since the Island is very small, it easier to place the houses without feeling like you're running out of space.
I agree with the seemingly general trend of the thread that I'd like 16, or like mentioned by rocketspruggs a couple posts ago, 15 like in the GameCube game. The current 10 just feels a bit too constrained and I'd like to have more. Admittedly, like oath2order hinted at, the island itself isn't that large, so I could even go for 12. There are a few more villagers who fit my island's theme but who either just didn't make the cut or have been replaced over time, so any additional plots would've been appreciated.
if they somehow increased the map size, I think I'd be down for the old cube crossing cap of 15. as is though, I think 10 is fine, if somewhat unfortunately small
Given the island size, I think 12 would be best. If they increase the island size I would like up to 15.
2 per personality type seems best. If they add a new personality, then Two more. I think 14-16 would be the best amount.
10 seems to be a reasonable amount for me to be able to keep and track my villagers.

Quality is better than quantity, I feel like I would be overwhelmed if there was more
it'd be nice if we could have 12. i have large voids in my map currently that i'm struggling to fill. a few extra houses would go a long way.