I own too much stuff for me to even keep. I take up almost the entire closet and half of the room I share with a sibling, I have a box in the garage, a junk drawer that I can't put anything else in, and then there's the 40 or so stuffed animals just sitting on my bed.
What makes it worse is that i'm a very disorganized person, so my stuff is EVERYWHERE. I'm just too lazy to clean it up.
Comparing myself to other people that I know personally, I would say I own a slightly below average amount of stuff. I don't have a ton but I am not a minimalist either. I to try to go through my belongings once in a while to clean out things I no longer need.
I own quite a bit, or maybe it just seems like a lot since I live in a one bedroom apartment. I wish I was a minimalist, but there are certain things I like collecting. I need to do a purge of some of my stuff, I have a hard time letting things go. Sometimes I have fantasies of just getting rid of like 90-95% of my stuff and only keeping the bare minimum, but that would be extremely difficult for me
A lot, lol. I try to sell/give away/throw away or recycle if broken though. Wish we had a better apartment though so I could put it on display cause it's mostly tucked into a cupboard rn.
tbh I own a lot of stuff, mostly things I've just held onto over the years for some reason. however after living in dorms with relatively few things for the last four years I've realized how much of that old stuff I don't need. I'm already taking steps to get rid of things that I no longer need, and once I'm able to get my room at least mostly situated I'm gonna start bagging up stuff to sell, donate, or just throw away.
I've started this process by listing and selling a few things on Mercari for prices reasonable enough for someone to buy it quickly. tbh I love it cause I'm getting money for things I don't use/need anymore
I used to (and somewhat still do) have a bad habit of hoarding things, and recently I just started telling myself "ya know what this stuff needs to go one way or another." I've been getting by pretty well by asking myself: do I really need this? many times, the answer is no. thus it gets the boot!
by the end of this I'd like to have just enough stuff that I can live comfortably in a master bedroom without any clutter. that's my goal!
I own a fair amount of stuff. I'm definitely not a minimalist by any means, as once I get something I tend not to get rid of it, but that said I do try and minimize the amount of stuff I do get so that way I don't own more than I can handle.
Definitely trying to downsize. I'm a huge hoarder so I'm trying to sell stuff I haven't used in more than a year. Sometimes it's hard and there's always more stuff coming. But selling something is so satisfying, so I'm always looking for stuff to sell.
I started buying a lot when I was at the lowest phase of my depression, it made me feel immediate happiness but I barely use the stuff I've got.
Far too much. Self-expression is extremely important to me, so I've a lot of clothing, cosmetics, accessories, skin care products, hair dye, wigs, fragrances, etc.
However, in saying that I also dislike clutter so I'm not big on things that don't have a function. The majority of what I buy won't last forever due to being used up, expiry dates, or natural wear and tear. I don't really collect things anymore and I sell on what I no longer use.
I WISH I could be a minimalist because I hate clutter. I really love having a few favorite belongings because that way they feel so much more special. But I am also sentimental, so I like to hang on to a lot of things. I cleaned out my closet and room a few years ago and got rid of a lot of stuff, but I still have a decent amount of stuff that I kept. Its a lot less than it was but I really wish I could still be even more minimalistic.
i'm definetely the opposite of a minimalist lmao. maximalist maybe? is that a word? anyway. i like collecting and displaying stuff. shelves of dvds, books, records, magazines, old drawings, old dolls. and i love fashion so a ton of clothes and accessories. but sometimes i do think about having a life like yours. it's very impressive and admirable.
i think i have a lot, but i try to get rid of things every few months since its easier to keep less. i dont shop a lot tbh but thats because im trying to save money. one day i will probably have a lot more knickknacks when i feel more comfortable spending
Somewhere in the middle of 'a little' and 'a lot'.
I come from what was basically a hoarder household and having that much stuff around just made it constantly feel dirty and messy, which I am absolutely super cautious about now. That said, I also spent a lot of time at my grandparents which whilst they weren't minimalist, everything had a place and everything was in its place which always felt so clean and tidy. I loved it there.
I love owning stuff, but I want to make sure everything has a place.
That said:
I don't own many clothes. Two pairs of shoes (everyday and work boots), two coats (thin and thick), couple pairs of jeans and half a draw of shirts with games, movies and bands on them (as well as undies n stuff). I'm not too fussed on what I'm wearing so day to day I'm dressed basically the same, just with a different print on my shirt. I'm basically a cartoon character in terms of dress.
My partner on the other hand...We have a dresser set (4 big draws and 2 little) and two seperate sets of draws (2 and 3 draw). I All my stuff fits into 2 big draws with room to spare...
Media is the biggest hoard for me. I have two bookshelves half filled (room for more) with books (obv) blue rays and games, a couple of figures on there too. I try to keep my physical purchases to things I absolutely love or to complete a series I absolutely love. I had a BIG clear out of media when I moved into my current house and got rid of about 3 boxes (as well as all my CD's as whilst I love music, I haven't put on a CD in about 10 years. Fully digital).
I collect and paint tabletop miniatures which is a big mess for the house, but we've made one of the spare rooms into a 'craft room' as we both love doing it. I'll basically collect new basing materials and tools "because they look like they'll be useful one day" as well as the huge 'pile of shame', though ATM everything is still in a draw or on a shelf...Currently...Also all our drawing and general art supplies in there, though that's only a few drawing pads and some pencil cases.
And the music room. It's a fairly small room as I decided it would be the best room to use being the furthest away from neighbours, but it's jam packed with music equipment. The wall is basically amplifiers framing the guitars on the wall, pedalboards Tetris'd into gaps, a few mics and stuff leaning in the corner. It's also where my computer is so general office stuff like the printer and scanner are in there.
And under the stairs...It's just tools, adhesives and chemicals. I'm an engineer so there's purpose for having the tools, but it's still a lot.
I think my biggest issue with owning things are that my hobbies are things that require me to own stuff. Playing and recording music requires a minimum amount of things, table top gaming requires stuff, media doesn't necessarily require me to own stuff but there's just something about owning a physical copy of your favorite movie or game.
When I was younger money was always really tight and when my parents divorced I lost a lot of stuff. For some people growing up in that sort of environment leads them to be really particular about saving their money but for me I kind of went in the opposite direction. As soon as I had money of my own I was like, oh my gosh I can buy things!! and went a bit overboard. I have a lot of makeup, a lot of little knick-knacks (I love cute little figurines and snow globes), a lot of (in my opinion anyways) games, clothes, etc. I went from only getting a video game on my birthday and Christmas to suddenly being able to buy any game that caught my eye and I got a little carried away. Same for clothes and makeup is definitely my worst offender.
Throw into the mix my hesitancy to let stuff go and... well we have a bit of a problem. I'll be moving at some point this year and seeing how much stuff I'll have to pack up is overwhelming. I'll likely donate a lot of it and try to really narrow down the things I need vs the things I don't need.
I am in the process of purging so much stuff. It’s very therapeutic for me and really helps with my depression. I work in a professional environment, so i have to have “dress” clothes. Outside of those clothes I really just wear lounge wear. I do my errand running when I leave work, so i don’t really go out too much on off days. I have a few casual outfits, a lot of work outfits, and then a lot of sweats lol. I only hold sentimental value to very few things. My koala bear stuffed animal i’ve had since the day I was born, an urn that holds my moms ashes (morbid i know), and my useful things like laptop, tablet, phone etc. I have a lot of knick knacks and merch from other things, but i am getting rid of pretty much all of it. My goal is to downsize significantly so I can live out my tiny home dreams!
Too much honestly which is even more apparent now that I'm trying to downsize to move several states away.
I wish I could be as adventurous to downsize to the point of only what could fit in my car. However, I don't think I'll be able to get down that much. I will downsize to the point of what can fit in one small rental trailer though.
For a long time I think it was hard for me throwing away a lot of things that were given to me or from my childhood. However, it's much easier now and I have been able to separate myself from trying to hoard a lot. It'll just be nice to take a few bigger things (couch, tv, husbands tools) that just wouldn't be able to fit in one car/one trip without the trailer.
I don't own crazy amount of stuff, but I don't own little either. I for sure own at least double of what my fiancé owns, even though I recently cleaned out / sold a lot of my things. I just really like to collect random objects.
My closet is so full, that my bed/chair became my second closet. I would move my clothes onto my chair when sleeping, and onto my bed when using my computer. I have three bookshelf like things filled with stuff, my walls are covered in posters and a shelf which is also filled with things. I have so many stuffed animals that most of them are in a bag and a bucket. My dresser is filled to the rim and covered in things, I had to break the plank off the top of my jean drawer, so my jeans could fit. I am moving soon, so hopefully my purge will actually get rid of stuff.
In the past couple of months I have been in the process of buying my first house. Now that I am closer to closing, I have accumulated so much. People who are moving try do downsize, but here I am trying to have all my furniture prepared ahead of time before I move in
My brother has been away for college, so his room is a storage space for me until next month. Up until now, I only had available the items inside my room. I’ve been getting all sorts of things (beds, sofa, chairs, dressers, etc). I’m a planner and I guess I just want to have everything.
too much stuff, im basically drowning in my own room. a week ago i tried to clean and it took me like 2 hours to clean one of my vanity drawers. i don’t have a lot of useful things, most of the stuff i own are things that i have somehow become attached to (like a rock) and have stuffed in a cabinet.
half of my stuff in my room alone is thomas the tank merch, 200 in my room atleast, i have 150 i think scattered in a cabinent...
weird how it's considered a baby show yet it's held up for 75 years.