I think I watch like 3 hours a day or something? I'd check the screen time on my phone, but I use youtube/twitch/netflix to fall asleep so the screen times listed are not always accurate
Changed my vote to "between 5 and 8 hours" because I realized it's not just asking about YouTube, but also streaming services like Netflix. If so, then that's definitely a lot more since I could binge 5 or even 10 episodes for an entire day.
Depends on the day, but generally more or around four hours I'd think. It's mostly YouTube videos or livestreams as background noise in between whatever I'm doing. I don't have cable, so I watch shows or movies as they release on the computer typically. I like to watch an episode of a show as I've my dinner; helps to unwind after a long shift.
I probably spend a disturbing amount of time on Youtube. If I'm just at home on an off day, I usually have some type of video playing in the background. Though I justify this by doing stuff while I'm listening lol
I watch streaming services, youtube, and play video games pretty much from the time I wake up till I go to sleep and I don't plan on changing that anytime soon. Just living my life.
3-4 hours during the week, probably 10-12 hours on the weekend. On the weekend, when I'm at home, I always have one window with something playing and another window browsing online or playing sites like Flight Rising or Neopets. Just something to keep my mind occupied while recharging socially.
i honestly am not sure at this point, it very much varies depending on the day - sometimes i'm busy all day with uni and seeing people, so i'm lucky if I can watch even one episode of something, while on others I'll spend hours on twitch because streamers I watch happened to go live one after the other, or I'll watch half a season of a TV show, or clear my youtube watch later. probably average 4-5 hours though?
It really depends on the day, but I mostly watch YT. I also like to use YT to listen to music (full albums with no ads is infinitely better than spotify, and there's a lot of artists and albums I can only listen to on YT, as they're not on spotify), so that also counts.
If I'm watching like, an MTG tournament or a documentary, then one of these alone can take anything from 1 to 3 hours of my day. Add to this some smaller videos (ranging from 5 up to 50 minutes), and yeah, I do spend a lot of time watching YT.
Really depends on the day. A lot of times I just have youtube on to listen to music, so I guess it may or may not count? If i'm binging movies or watching TV though, sometimes i'll spend a good 3 to 4 hours doing just that — me and my folks love watching movies, so sometimes it'll extend well over 8 hours. We're all homebodies and work from home, so it's inevitable.
maybe about 2 hours of Netflix / Hulu before bed, but once in a long while i'll binge a show and stay up all night (like I did with Squid Game a few weeks ago)
I would say maybe 5-7 hours. My tv comes on and stays on after I finish working, even when I’m not even watching it. Sometimes it’s just background noice while I play, read, etc.
I tend to use YouTube regularly for around 5 or so hours to listen to music or watch videos from the people I’ve been subscribed to. It helps pass the time.
Other than that, I just go and watch something on TV or on Netflix if there’s a show or movie I’ve been wanting to watch for a while or that had just came out recently for around a few hours or so.
Oh a bit too much, in fact I have a video playing right now! I love listening to this one podcast but I treat their podcast episodes like videos cus I like watching people talk lol.
Tough question because I have the tv on all day for background noise while I work from home. So while I'm listening, I'm not exactly watching. So probably just a couple hours a day.
Probably around 4 hours on average. My spouse and I watch a streaming show when we eat (we watch for an hour) and then do other things like video games or bills if he didn't get home from work too late, and then we watch another hour before bed. If he did get home late, we will watch probably about 3hours. Granted we do sometimes pause and talk about the show in the middle of the show LOL. Weekends we watch about 4 hours.