• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

How often are you on the internet?

I'm on the internet quite often. I spent too much time on the internet, but all of my homework is online so...
definitely a very unhealthy amount of time.
usually 7 hours straight in a day when i don't have to go anywhere.
and if you count look at a screen, oh boy... like the whole day??
When I'm not playing league, I'm on a forum and vice versa. When I'm out I just browse social media. So I rely a lot on the internet, I've met a lot of friends through LoL, YT, and fashion.
Literally I am on the internet 28/5 it's so bad but I cannot help it, 99% of my friends are over the internet
I'm on the internet a lot! It's really not healthy for me, but I can't stop!?~?
How much time do I NOT spend melting my brain is the real question. It's a school night, for Pete's sake.
I mean. I guess. Always?

When I'm at home I'm either at my desk or have a computer next to me.

And, if I don't I'm always checking twitter/snapchat on my phone.
i only really sit down in front of my laptop for a couple hours a day at most, but since i always have my phone with me i usually go on it whenever i have down time during the day, so it probably adds up.
Everytime I'm not busy doing something else like work and sleeping. That's pretty much it. :p
Technically anyone who owns a smartphone is on the internet 24/7 becasue they're connected to it constanstly.
I am pretty much constantly on the internet, whether that be on my phone or laptop. I am Tumblr trash. Lmao