i used to be a lot better about brushing after every meal plus after waking up or before going to bed but i've definitely slacked over the years. i still make sure to brush right after waking up and before going to bed, and will attempt to floss but flossing hurts sometimes. if i'm home during the day and feel like i've got something in my teeth, i'll give them a brush but other than that, it's twice a day!
When I'm doing really well, once at night or maybe twice a day. I am rarely doing very well however! I have ADHD, soooooooo I usually forget or cannot will myself to get out of bed and do it. Currently on once a week, and basically have been on that kind of schedule for years, and it was even worse when I was a kid. Not proud of it or happy about it, I hope I get better soon.
Twice daily, once about 30 minutes to an hour after breakfast (immediately after is bad for your enamel!), and then once before bed, followed by flossing and using mouthwash.
I used to do thrice daily, but thanks to depression (and possibly other undiagnosed things), I do struggle to take care of myself and the house, so it was sacrificed as an unnecessarily element of my routine so I'd have the energy to do better in other areas. Part of me wants to try to work back up to it but I also don't want to cause damage by overbrushing either so idk
When I was very little I was an absolute gremlin about trying to get out of brushing my teeth whenever possible, and as a result a couple of my baby teeth rotted, left me miserable with a toothache for a few days, and then I remained miserable for a few more days as I recovered after they had to be removed. Also had to get cavities filled as a follow-up but that was surprisingly not that bad actually.
...I cleaned up my act after that.
It's difficult to answer, since it varies wildly in my case - I always do it twice on days where I'm going out (e.g. to my uni classes), but on days where I'm staying at home, I often forget to do it in the morning. I always do it in the evening, because I wear retainers in my sleep.
I've gotten a little bit better than I used to be, but should still try to work around my issues with remembering to do it. :/
twice a day + floss in the evenings. i used to brush for a third time after lunch, but i've started chewing sugarfree gum or using mouthwash then instead.
Twice a day - once either after breakfast or after lunch, and once right before bed. I aim to do it after breakfast, but often I'm rushing to get to 9am meetings and I simply don't have time until after lunch lol (but I make sure to use mouthwash after breakfast regardless)