It depends who I’m around lol. I work with children so I’m really used to watering down my language (my employer doesn’t even like our staff saying things like “crap” or “oh my god”). Same thing with my family. But when I’m with my partner or my friends, it happens somewhat frequently
I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve purposely sworn (out loud) in my life. I basically never wanted to start the habit, because my mom doesn’t have much self control when it comes to swearing. I’m aiming to be a teacher, so that would be bad! I’ve never felt the need to start.
No idea, I don't think about how I speak or care to filter it. I guess it only happens when something sucks or something like that, which isn't too often.
I don't cuss almost ever. Maybe a little when I'm extremely irritated. I think that if you know me and suddenly hear me cuss you'd be kinda shocked, like you would know that I'm really irritated now.
I mean there's a few very mild words that I don't even count as cussing, they are just adjectives to describe that something is bad to me, but if you count that then I still use them quite seldomly I think?
I cuss frequently, probably at least once basically every day, though some days not at all. Swear words have simply been part of my vocabulary for years. It's not even always a matter of expressing frustration either, a lot of the time they just serve as what that one episode of SpongeBob referred to as "sentence enhancers." I think I'd like to cut down on my usage though.
It's like punctuation to me... I ALWAYS cuss, especially when I'm feeling an intense emotion, like being super excited, happy or angry.
I love to do it though I think it feels good.
honestly waay more than I should depending on who I’m talking to or if I’m upset, but I keep it off the forums. at least online I can catch myself before I post, in real life the word is already out my mouth before I realized what I said and it’s too late. I do try my best not to swear around children though, most of the time I can catch myself before I slip up.