How often do you order takeout and how much is it usually?

How often do you order takeout a week?

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    Votes: 12 30.8%
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    Votes: 2 5.1%
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    Votes: 6 15.4%
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  • 7!! O:

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Twice a Month

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Thrice a month

    Votes: 3 7.7%

  • Total voters


Manly Member
Sep 4, 2014
Winter Mittens
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
I try to limit myself to once a week and I typically order 20-40 dollars worth of food T__T.
Well I used to eat out/order take away maybe two times a week but Coronavirus has kind of put a halt to that and, honestly, just seeing how much money I've saved as a result...I don't think I'll be doing it ever again except for very special occasions, man
before quarantine & whatnot, i'd say roughly 3-4 times a week & it would be around $10-15 each time. i've had to save all of my money since i lost my job, though, so it's eye opening to realize just how much those things add up to be. i'm definitely going to cut back once this quarantine is lifted.
It usually depends if I’ve had the time to go grocery shopping or not, but typically me and my bf order takeout 2-4 times a week and we usually don’t order anything that costs over $40 for the both of us. Most of our takeout costs $25-$30
I'd say like twice a month with 10-20 bucks for two people, now less due to the situation overall.
Once or twice a month before corona. I personally don't like to spend my money like that.
My husband and I don't cook, so we eat take-out/drive-thru every day for dinner. We only spend about $10-15 for the two of us combined.
I barely do. I don't make that much money so I'd be destroyed if I spent that much that often. My bf and I usually go once a month and it's usually pizza, or pasta or sushi. Sushi is our most expensive option which is usually $70 after tips for the both of us combined but it's delicious.
We sometime order once every two weeks. The bill normally comes to around $60 because there are three of us.
Takeouts are pretty much all closed near us because of lockdown, so we’ve but back to once a month at the moment just to limit spending. Prior to this we would have one about once or twice a week? Usually a McDonald’s wrap for lunch or a pizza/Chinese!

pizza is usually £20 and Chinese is usually £25?
About once a week usually, sometimes more. It typically comes to around $14.
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Used to order 1-2 times a week before lockdown.

Now it's more like once every two weeks. Our local takeouts have started opening again - assuming they're getting a more steady stream of ingredients again now.
I don't know if I qualify because none of those answers match up with my takeout habits. I do takeout maybe once or twice a month. It's kind of a special occasion kind of thing, or if we're having an especially lazy day and don't feel like cooking and washing up. I generally enjoy cooking and find home-cooked meals to be my preference (and for my bank account too!)
I would be in the zero category. It's like at best 2-3 times a month. I used to eat takeout a lot in highschool but when I began college, I realized, it's too damn expensive.

I really enjoy cooking.
I'll updated it with months! Whomever orders takeout only a few times a month are strong u__u
Generally about once every two weeks, although I can sometimes go a couple of months. It's often my family that persuade me if they're ordering.
Usually only around once a month, and sometimes I skip a month completely when ordering takeout.
Before quarantine? Probably almost every day lmao. I spend way too much money on food.

It's been almost two months now tho hahah