How often do you post a VM on your own profile page?

ah man i did it again last night, even after all the discussion here about it. i'm not sure how it happens, seems like when i'm in a hurry and have been leaving a bunch of message for others and receiving a bunch i just accidentally type up in my own message box. or maybe i'm just a klutz anyhow....
i've done it a few times.... lmao then i realized that i did it, deleted the vm and ssent it to the person i meant to send it to :<
I did it like 10 times I guess, I thought I was on the other user's page when I did it.
I used to when replying accidentally, I didn't know about "View Conversation"
Other than that, never
Never because I let "View Conversation" handle my conversation for me.

I don't use it much as the text blends in with the background way too much. :/

Anyway, the only time I leave a visitor message on my own page is if I just want a message people will notice if they try to contact me. For example: "I'm logging off for the night, all 1852601 people who won 999 billion Bells on that giveaway thread."
Every now and then I mess up and do it but for the most part I chill on someones page when I'm trading with them to avoid that haha and to give them a wifi/rating as soon as the trade is done so I can move on to the next thing I need to do.
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