How Often do you replace your phone?

How Often do you replace your phone?

  • Every new model

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-2 Years

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • 3-4 years

    Votes: 16 22.9%
  • 5-6 years

    Votes: 8 11.4%
  • 7-8 years

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • 8+ years?!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Whenever it breaks :C

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • I want confetti 🎉

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
when it breaks! my first ever samsung phone (i think it was a j7?? idk) was only replaced because the battery was going to explode. i still use my iphone 7 from 2019, and i'm only just beginning to make plans to replace it because idk how much longer it can go on for, haha.
I replace my phone only when it’s literally falling apart or so broken it doesn’t turn on anymore. I get oddly attached to my devices and HATE changing to a new one
Every three or four years once the battery starts to drain faster. Other than the better camera, usb-c input, and brighter screen there aren’t really any major changes between my old phone and the one I just got a few months ago.
I only replace my phone when I absolutely have to, which is when it's either broken or outdated to the point that it's nearly unusable. I don't see the point in replacing my phone every time a new one comes out, and don't have the financial means to do that, anyways. As long as my phone still works in every way that it's supposed to/I need it to, I see no point in getting a new one.
Very infrequently. In my life, I've only had four phones. One track phone, two iPhones. All changes within 3-5 years. I've been using this current phone of mine since 2019, and I'm due for an upgrade.
i think usually for me it’s somewhere in the 5-7 year range. i won’t upgrade my phone unless there’s something really wrong with it. the last two times it was cause the battery wouldn’t hold its charge for very long + it started to lag and slow down
Whenever my spouse wants to because I'll use it until it is just a black stone otherwise.
probably every 4 years? although my last phone was reaching 5 because i was adamant that it worked properly (despite it sometimes failing to do certain things occasionally), but it's almost always 4 years. if not that, then as soon as my current one is acting up.
I got my current phone in January 2023.

It's starting to act up. It was on the lower end of phones ($300-400 range) but yeah, it's a little tedious when things stop responding. It's definitely still usable, but it's not the phone that it was when I first got it.
Whenever it breaks, but (un)luckily for me I'm a big dummy and break them often enough to not get stuck with something too old.
i usually replace mine every 2-3 years. my dad used to upgrade our phones whenever the contracts ended because they used to be “free” (i think) with the plans, then we’d send our old phones to relatives overseas

now that i have my own money i replace mine when i feel like i need an upgrade which is still roughly 2-3 years. i think my current phone is reaching 3 years but i’m planning on upgrading this year because i want a better camera
I only replace my phone when it needs replacing.
Usually every 3-4 years, when my contract is up. This might be a weird time cause I bought my current phone outright, so might try to take advantage of its longevity
whenever it breaks! i had my last one for a good 7-8 years before the battery finally stopped charging, and i had to get a new one. i had the option to upgrade for years before that. i'll probably keep my current phone until it conks out of its own accord, too.
every few years i guess? i have a phone plan where it gets paid off slowly over a few years, and then normally once it's all paid off i get an upgrade. i would wait longer in between upgrading but i always seem to break my phone right around the time i pay it off anyway
I replace my phones once they start breaking/becoming unreliable. I don't enjoy the hassle (or the cost) of buying a new phone so I try to avoid it. I don't use my phone for anything super intensive (gaming, video editing, etc.) So they typically last me a while. My current phone has a headphone jack that I'm not ready to give up yet!!
When I was younger I liked a new phone every few years as technology was rapidly changing. Who remembers VGA cameras in them? :LOL: When I got older, II'm happy keeping a phone until something goes wrong with it. I did buy a new phone once as I dropped it and the screen cracked, but I didn't feel so bad about that as the phone was quite old to begin with.
I have had this phone since 2019 lol... and still going strong(-ish)