Im almost 23.

I could care less who i talk to on AC; however, if you feel as though that we of the older generation are a threat then I do not blame you.
But you must remember: Even though the numbers might not be to your liking you will become that age someday. In fact, sooner then you would ever imagine. I clearly remember playing the Atari 2600 like if it was just yesterday, and that was nearly two decades ago... followed up with playing super mario brothers on the NES? That, my friend, was considered to be one of the best games in the world at that time.
Perhaps instead of judging and procrastinating reality, you should embrace the fact that you are surrounded by level-headed adults that would help you with anything you need. You can't ask for anymore then that.
Besides, all of us are here and bounded by our love for animal crossing. Not to sound fruity but that kind of makes us all a kind-of family.

Just one that we can freely pick and choose without having an aunt Bertha seemly rip your cheek off at family reunions....
Thats what K.K. Slider is for! XD!!!!!!!