How old do you really feel?

I'm 34 but I still feel like I'm mentally in my 20's I always joke to people that my mental age is forever 25. 😂
When I was younger I always felt older than my age and I was always told I was very mature for my age. However, now the older I am...I think I finally feel right about my age which is late 20s nearing 30s.
My back on the other hand....feels about 70 - but I've accepted in healthcare that's just going to be a given.
I'm 41 and between having covid this year and a back injury I feel in the triple digits physically but mentally I think I'm still a teenager.

I always go by the quote that "growing old is mandatory growing up is optional"
16 and people still mistake me for being a teen even though I’m 28 lmfao
Mentally I still feel like im 16, I still haven't caught up that im supposed to be 21 xD
Physically I feel.... very old due to some chronic pain issues (being tested for arthritis recently how fun) among other things
I would say I feel like I'm about 22. I'm not always super mature all the time and I still feel like I'm figuring myself out.
Mentally I feel 16 🤣 and physically I feel in my 30s. I think the roaccutane meds I was on really helped me feel older with the joint pain, headaches etc.
I feel like I'm around the age I am (early twenties). I feel a little different than I did in my late teens, but I don't really feel different from how I did at 20 or 21. I don't imagine I'll feel much different at 23 either, but uh, we'll see how the year goes, I suppose.
Honestly it depends. I’m just about 25 but often feel only 17ish. Though when people start talking about 90’s things and I remember them it makes me feel much older haha.
I don’t feel like I have an age, honestly. It’s gotten to the point where it’s just a number for me. I put more importance on the maturity of a person than how old they are. I’ve met sixteen year olds that are more mature than people twice their age.
I'm 17, some people say I'm mature for my age, but honestly I wish I was younger and looked younger, like 8 or 10 or something
Almost all my friends are younger than me, and I don't know why some people are in such a rush to grow up
I'm 30. I think I'm quite responsible with life things and emotionally mature, but with my interests I feel like I'm 12 some days. I try not to judge myself too much. Who cares if I'm old and love pink sparkles and cartoons?!
I’m 27 but I physically feel 50. I get pain in my thighs and knees when the AC is blasting, during cold winter nights, or if I walk around the house without shoes/slippers for too long.

One time when I was babysitting, I fell down to my knees quicker than anticipated and it hurt so bad. I thought that I had broke a bone and was scared to get up. My knees hurt for several days after that.

I also get these weird phantom pains everywhere on my upper torso. Heart? Check. Stomach? Check. Lungs? Check. Lower back?Check.
Some days I feel 80 because I'm chronically fatigued. Some days I feel 16 because I don't want to adult.
i feel like im 8 years old or something i just don't know how to grow up and childish things make me so happy lol but i think im responsible when it comes to serious stuff
i am 22 i feel like a teen cause i like anime i like pokemon i like youtube i like video games i like cute "girly" things and being a emo sometimes