@Licorice I'm 4'11" too!!
I'm 4'11" and I have been for the past 4 years heheh, I've given up on growing.
But it really bothers me ngl. I've been mistaken for a tween or something and rejected from certain areas for looking too young when I'm 17! Being very flat doesn't help my case either, I really do have the body of a 12 year old. I've had a hard time with dating people after talking on snapchat and then meeting in real life as they think I look too young and feel weird about it.
I'm the smallest person in my house of 3 women and the only one who's strong enough to do a whole lot of handy work and that's a pain considering I need to stand on chairs and tables alike to do anything.
For some reason, it used to bother me when girls 5'2" or more complained about their height because I was like "Uh, I'm not even 5 feet tall, shut up you're fine." But I've grown out of that little superiority complex or whatever of thinking that I'm the shortest so others aren't allowed to complain about being short heheh.
I have a love for wearing 4" heels to make myself 5'3" and feel closer to average heights. I'd honestly love it if I could just grow one more inch and hit the 5' foot mark but
I've been fighting the height thing a bit by styling my outfits in a more stylish(?) way, and not in the "trendy" clothes that girls from 11 to 18 wear, more like a 20 year old or an 80 year old so people can tell I'm not a little girl who wears crop tops and ripped jeans (not that there's anything wrong with that
But anyways... yeah my height very much bothers me, but I'm slowly trying to deal with it heheh