i was actually thinking about the weather today and how what's warm for other people can be nice weather here.
for example, when getting dressed today i looked at the weather and saw it'd be in the upper sixties (i'm talking fahrenheit here) for the morning, get to lower seventies by 10-11am, and get up to 80 at 3.
seeing this weather made me think: oh, nice! i can wear my hoodie today!
throughout the day i thought about how odd that thought was. temps in the 70s and even 60s might be warm to some people, but i love to wear hoodies, so as long as it's in that range during the times i'll be outside i'll wear it, even if it gets up to the 80s later that day.
basically, it's warm and sunny. can't wait for the rainy season to roll in.
It's been cold and raining for a couple weeks, like we're still in winter for Washington state. Highs of 50 where I am. But it just rains and rains and rains.