How's the weather for you today?

It's Colorado.

I went for a walk despite the thunder and the sprinkling, because it was just that, sprinkling, and then it stopped.

And started up again.

And then it stopped.

Good mood for Squirtle Community Day.

... it's fine.
it is pouring rain, and the forecast says 90-100% rain until 1am. i am glad. i cannot stand the heat and warmth, the rain makes it cooler.
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Full sun, 33 degrees Celsius. Tomorrow is calling for thunderstorms and a slightly higher temperature.

I don't think I'll ever adjust to this city's summers.
It's been so hot by me lately, today included. 😭 I'm not ready for it to get worse tomorrow and Friday!
It's sunny today, with no rain but the next week im gone on vacation it will be thundering the whole time! nice -_-
it was super humid yesterday but today is kinda cloudy/gloomy looking. i need to check the forecast but i feel like we'll get some rain later today
It's hailing.
In July.
In Arizona.
EDIT - Okay, there's no more hail, but now it's storming outside.
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RIght now it's overcast and the clouds are pretty dark and gray. I love thunderstorms I have to be honest, but I don't like how hot it can get at times.
I just love the rain, I thrive in the rain, and it feels like I relax a lot more and stay more focused. It's just an overall good time for me at least.
I will be honest, I do hope it gets sunnier today because I do have plans to go to the movies tonight and it's great because then I can blind myself when I Walk out of the dark theatre.