How's the weather for you today?

It is night and it is storming right now. It'll continue for hours it looks like. I love listening to the thunder and rain patter, but I'm thinking it may get a little more than that. Idk.
My dogs are quite which is a good sign. Radar can look rough though.
Has it ever rained so much that it makes you feel exhausted?

That's been today.

We get it, it's April and April showers bring May flowers. But yeesh. Apparently Mother Nature wants to make another lake around here.
Lots of light rain. I find it quite relaxing, I popped open a window for a bit and listened to the rain while I worked.
it's been raining allll day today, been storming late last night and continued through to today </3
the rain is making me sleepy
Rainy again. This is the third day in a row. This is starting to be too much for me to handle.

There’s also sleet too? I thought it was supposed to be spring??
Been really cold, raining all week long, and dropped to high 30s low 50s this week. And just now it hailed so much and heavily it looked like it had snowed. I'm ready for some real spring weather. Always happens where I live that we get maybe a few real weeks of spring and then it just jumps straight into a muggy summer.
It's really windy today for me! I was driving down the highway and was being pushed around, it was wild! it may rain later today too.
it's cold and rainy today which is a bummer since it was pretty nice yesterday. :< i wish we would get spring/summer weather already. i'm over this cold and rain.
It was beautiful out until about an hour ago when it suddenly started aggressively thunder storming.
I guess it’s raining now. That sucks considering that I just detailed the exterior of my car earlier today and it’s sitting outside. Well, so much for that.

At least it was something to do instead of sitting on the couch and wanting to fall asleep.