Weather says: 6F with a feels like -8F.
It is sunny. It has also snowed last night so the roads are covered up again.
Let's stop snowing, let's have sun. Give the grass a chance to grow some then bring on the spring rains. That's asking too much. We gotta have mud season after it's done snowing.
Its actually pretty sunny and warm! It's 79 degrees outside but it does feel like 80. I don't mind having warmer days during the winter but I would like to avoid close to summer weather until we are further into spring or closer to summer.
it's actually a really nice day today, it's 0°C and there's no snow!!!!!!
unfortunately it's supposed to be super windy tonight and into the early morning tomorrow OTL
It's in the 60's and sunny today, perfect weather to be honest. Not too hot and not freezing cold like it was last week, lol. If only every day could be this temperature...
It was mid-40s which was actually a lot nicer than the past few weeks. It's gonna warm up to the high 50s the next few days, here's to hoping the damn wind doesn't ruin it again. :v
It's currently about 29 degrees outside.. Fahrenheit, of course.. :"3
I like when it's cold, but not extremely cold. I love when there's a crisp winter breeze.. even though I haven't stepped outside today yet, I'm sure it feels nice out :3
Now it's raining for a bit, and just got an update that it's going to end soon. I wish it wouldn't because rain is so peaceful during the nighttime, lol.
The freezing weather finally broke, but it's been very dreary, overcast, and rainy for the last few days. Can't wait to see some sunlight soon! Get your butt here already, Spring!
It's already been warming up the last couple weeks and I'm kinda dreading it because I feel like this is the first sign of Summer coming. But the last few days have been really awful and voggy. But today has been chilly compared to the last couple weeks.