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Hyogo's Requesterino thread

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Oh yes, how much will cost a villager sig? villagers :3 If you do them, xD
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Ohh, That'd probably cost you a good few ._.

But idk, I want to practice more pixels without basically tracing another image, I'm not ready to do anything that advanced by freehand just yet ;3;
And pixels like that?

Don't think I'd be up for it personally D:

Also, someone on another forum animated my Kirby sprite.
Still hoping for someone to draw Mario in his Tropical Shirt from Super Mario Sunshine or hoping for someone to draw Dr. Mario since I plan to use him quite a tad in the new Smash c:
Took down the art trades crap because nobody is even interested anyways, makes me feel worse than I am, haha.
Honestly, after looking over your thread again in full, I'll be honest with you: the way you put yourself down in your bump comments and say everyone is ignoring you/wants to do other things like girls, etc is incredibly off-putting. And it seems like the two times you were made offers for pixels, you turned them down, so...

You've gotten some really cute art from people, too. I don't understand why you're so negative, but speaking from my perspective, it's a huge turn-off from your thread.
Pixel requests I've turned down because they require stuff i've never really attempted before and that's fur, I cannot do fur to save my life.

I put myself down a lot because I've never actually had anyone properly compliment my art or give me any possible tips on how to improve, the fact this thread is usually ignored proves this and just makes me really unmotivated to carry on doing these, I want to be good but people aren't really helping my constant downer thoughts so that's why I always bash myself, wouldn't you if you weren't really proud with your outcome of something?

I appreciate all the art I've had for free and that I've paid for, But I just don't want free art anymore...I want those people to at least gain something for their efforts.

That's why I attempted to offer some sort of trade, obviously people aren't interested in my pixel art and it was silly of me to try.
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well I expected you to ask if I wanted a pixel because I didn't want to be rude but you just said thanks
I take mild offense to that, because I fully meant my compliments to you and I'm sorry that they didn't meet your criteria for compliments.

I'm not saying that there's a problem with what you've turned down, but the fact that you have turned your requests down so far is probably going to stand out to someone who might be looking to request/buy from you. When you only agree to do specific things, you have to match people who are looking for something with those same specific tastes. That's not going to happen overnight, unless you're lucky.

And no, when I'm proud of something or not, I've learned to appreciate it for myself and not lose my liking for it no matter how little or much feedback I may or may not get. In my opinion, you're placing too much emphasis on the opinion of others. Of course you're going to lose motivation if you base all of your interest and motivation on what other people think of it and change how you feel about it according to what they think. That's the fastest way to becoming unhappy. People are not responsible for making you happy with yourself or your work: you are.

Anyway, if you don't want to listen, that's fine. I can't make you and I can only offer my advice from the way that I see it. I'll step out of here now.
No...I didn't mean for it to be offensive or anything towards you, I just barely get any feedback in general and I didn't mean to say your compliments were bad or anything, I'm sorry if I insulted you. I really am.

Yeah I know but people usually want Animal Crossing related stuff and I'm still surprised people haven't flooded me asking for their mayors to be done in pixels, like really surprised. But eh...you're right, once I get back into things I'll test new things and see if I can make them look acceptable and hopefully open new options.

I want more community feedback in general, so I feel like I can actually work for a goal and that's to actually be a good pixel artist, I understand what you mean by ''respect yourself and your work'' but I just don't feel it like you do, you've been doing this for awhile but I've only really started with working with my own bases and shapes and obviously you're the only person really giving any attention to this thread of mine, I don't feel like it'll get anywhere with only one person (I really respect you for what you've said in here, heck I even respect you for bothering with these recent posts!)

But you're right, I need to atleast try to think I'm starting to get somewhere...but it's not going to be easy and I'll probably just need to try harder with this stuff in general.

I'm really thankful for your input Amissa and I'm sorry for being like I have been.

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well I expected you to ask if I wanted a pixel because I didn't want to be rude but you just said thanks
You should've said something :/
I'm sorry to hear that you struggle with building self-confidence, Hyogo. Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll be able to respect and love yourself one day as long as you're willing to adopt a more positive mindset. It's all a matter of perspective; don't focus too much on what you lack and try to embrace the many good qualities that you have.

Also, if I had known sooner that you were so eager to art trade, I would've requested one. That's my fault for getting the wrong impression ;u;
I'm sorry to hear that you struggle with building self-confidence, Hyogo. Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll be able to respect and love yourself one day as long as you're willing to adopt a more positive mindset. It's all a matter of perspective; don't focus too much on what you lack and try to embrace the many good qualities that you have.

Also, if I had known sooner that you were so eager to art trade, I would've requested one. That's my fault for getting the wrong impression ;u;
Thank you so much Azu...it really means a lot and I hope you know that.

I think I'm going to take down the pixel section to avoid any future requests (if it were to happen) on this thread so I can work on possibly coming up with more content in the future at my own time, once I feel like I have become more better at Pixels then I can open up a shop of sorts and hopefully tackle problems I couldn't do before.

Does that sound fair at all?
Thank you so much Azu...it really means a lot and I hope you know that.

I think I'm going to take down the pixel section to avoid any future requests (if it were to happen) on this thread so I can work on possibly coming up with more content in the future at my own time, once I feel like I have become more better at Pixels then I can open up a shop of sorts and hopefully tackle problems I couldn't do before.

Does that sound fair at all?

As my favorite anime character always says: "Believe in me, who believes in you!" :)

Taking down the pixel section is your own decision to make. Sometimes it's good to scrap your old art--that way, in the future, you can see how much you've improved. Life is a continuous journey of transformation, so I'm more than certain you'll get better at creating pixels. Practice makes progress, no?
Now lets try to skip this page so no drama caused be me has to be seen <:U

Bump, thread is just back to requesting the Art goods, will add Dr. Mario and Tropical Shirt Mario to the first post soon :U
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