I Don't Get The Wand Hate

Thing is, buying a ton of glasses to repeat in your outfits isn't really that expensive, it won't cost a 'ton of bells'. Less than 10k at best, less than 20k at worse, glasses are really over 2k in price (this of course doesn't apply for anything obtained through events, that does sound annoying). If you wanted to buy the royal crown for every outfit, THAT would be annoying. But the kind of stuff that people wear repeatedly are generally reorderable cheap things. You could easily afford all your pairs of glasses with 10/20 minutes of bug catching in the evening.
I think that the issue is that you can only order 5 items per day, so if you want to update your glasses or socks for 3 or 4 wands with something that you cataloged at a friend’s town, for example, you pretty much have to dedicate a week of catalog ordering per item to order the replacements without being able to order anything else. This can be a major time sink for non-TTers.

With that said, I don’t mind the wands, because I mainly use them for silly and different outfits for special occasions.
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I think that the issue is that you can only order 5 items per day, so if you want to update your glasses or socks for 3 or 4 wands with something that you cataloged at a friend’s town, for example, you pretty much have to dedicate a week of catalog ordering per item to order the replacements without being able to order anything else. This can be a major time sink for non-TTers.

Meh, I guess that could be a bit of an issue, but most non-TTers play the game for the slow build up of it, so that kinda applies? As a non-TTer, I can wait for that. I don't mind a time sink. The entire game is a time sink, really, just a cute fun one that you don't mind at all.

If we really wanna talk about annoying costs and time sinking, we can always talk about 50k and a days wait to shift 1 house by 1 tile.
I don't like using the wand because I don't like the items of my storage going "away", what if I need them, I don't have time to edit the outfit from the wand and then edit my outfit. But I'll admit it's pretty clever, and maybe, maaybe, in the future, I'll find a use for it once I have plenty of clothes and money.
Then you can just not use the wand, surely? It's not like the game is forcing you to store items on it and use those eight outfits only.

I never said the wand should be removed from the game. Just said I hate it.
I like it for easy changing but I don't like it that it takes a spot in my pocket i love to fish especially to nook miles island so losing a spot is no no for me
I think that the issue is that you can only order 5 items per day, so if you want to update your glasses or socks for 3 or 4 wands with something that you cataloged at a friend’s town, for example, you pretty much have to dedicate a week of catalog ordering per item to order the replacements without being able to order anything else. This can be a major time sink for non-TTers.
That might not be that big a problem, because according to my personal experience, all wands share the same 8 outfits (unfortunately).
Although someone here said, that you could save different outfits on different wands and I've asked them on how to do that but haven't received an answer yet, so I am still under the assumption that it's not possible. :/
why is there so much hate and critism based around this game.. i do not remember everyone being this critical when new leaf came out..

Because people are allowed to have their own opinions. I personally believe that the game has some huge issues...and I feel that it is completely normal to talk about those issues. Having criticism about something doesn't mean we hate it, and it really saddens me that people are trying to skew it that way. Criticism is a perfectly normal part of ANY product release...It's perfectly normal to address disappointments and issues. I love the game, but hate how many people seem to think that seeing the game as anything less than perfection is "hating" on the game.
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I find it pretty tedious. I tried it once and put it away. I’d rather just use a wardrobe to change.
It's personally not for me, since I tend to wear one outfit a day (or even over multiple days), and it's not a big hassle for me to just go back to my home wardrobe to change.

I don't hate it but I don't love it either. It's definitely a cool idea though!
Wand sucks. I like to use the same accessories and shoes across multiple outfits, and I'm not dedicating a week to getting duplicate pieces from the catalog.

It might be fun for joke/costume outfits that I wouldn't wear regularly, but I'm disappointed by this implementation of it. S'fine though, I don't mind changing at the closet.
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Ok so as someone who wears glasses the wand kinda just sucks (Unless you own 8 pairs of the same glasses :eek:) I love the idea and I'm honestly glad It there to use but I really dislike the rules that come with it.

1. I should be able to add and remove things wherever period. I'm tired of being told I cannot add/remove clothing when wearing a wand outfit. It's more of a nuisance then a luxury.
2. Clothing pieces can only be used in one set. As mention with the glasses problem, it's is just plain ridiculous that we cannot reuse clothing from other sets.

Again, Im happy it exist in the first place but I do hate the restrictions