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I just bought the NA version...


I hate you.

Have fun with the game before all of us can, though!

...and the person had already bought the game early at a Walmart where she lived.
Shhh... Don't let Nintendo know... :p
Has anyone else in North America bought the game from a retail store already?
Just today, I went to a couple of retail stores (GameStop, WalMart, Best Buy, then Target. Thankfully, they're all in one area), hoping they accidentally put the game out early. But, nope. They're so careful and know their thing. Maybe because they don't want to get attacked by Nintendo ninjas. :p

Ah well. I could wait for 2 more days.
That's so lucky :D I know the shops get them early and I always wondered why they don't just give them out early (especially to pre-order's) and others can buy them on the actual release!
Well, hubby and I went to K-mart, Walmart, Best Buy and Target last night, but none. Poo! lol
Everyone's trying to get the game early and I'm just sitting here like a good patient fan waiting for the copy I ordered off Amazon to arrive in the mail. :p

I'm in the same boat. With one-day delivery it's listed as arriving on June 11th. Ah well.

I just got my copy today as I hoped! Diving into it now. :D

Congratulations! I enjoyed your first blog post.
I originally had it pre-ordered from Amazon. My mom checked its status today and discovered that the earliest it will be here is the 14th. Some people I've read on blogs have been told around the 18th! There was no other shipping option that you could choose from when we ordered it except the standard shipping, but it said it would be here either the day before or the day after the release day. A crap ton of people are having this shipping problem on animal crossing blogs I've been reading. Anyone here? :\ We ended up canceling the order and stopped in at our Gamestop to reserve a copy for Sunday. Unfortunately no place around here has them early. Gamestop had the empty cases out, though. I almost freaked when I saw them but they were just for display :T Our Walmarts near us weren't even getting them in yet!
Oh well. I still have to round up my qr codes, dream codes, and general tips from pages I've bookmarked.

That is weird...although I am a Prime member that is probably why it allowed me the option of the 2-day shipping free lol. Regardless, yeah picking it up is the way to go unless you are getting the bundle, then I think it would be worth the extra wait.
If anyone lives in Los Angeles, apparently Next Gen games was releasing them early yesterday but ran out. I personally don't want the game early, I've waited this long, I can keep waiting! (not to mention, I ordered the bundle at Gamestop, so there's no point in getting it early for me haha!)

But if you're that desperate, here's their Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/NextGenGames

I say patience is a virtue ;) It will be so rewarding when June 9th comes!
most places wont let you have it
This. I just called my GameStop to see if they had broken the Street Date, but the lady just said; "It actually comes out on Sunday. We're going to be putting it out then. We're not sure how many extra copies we're gonna get after the initial sale, so if you haven't reserved one already I suggest you do."
I have to head over to GameStop to trade in some games with my fianc?, best buy is there in the area so ill have him stop by and see if its on display or not xD
All in due time, my friends. There is only two days (technically one if you don't count the actual release date) til we can get our hands on it. It came rather quickly, to be honest. And for those of you in Europe and Australia, it'll be here before you know it. Maybe some of you may get lucky and get your hands on a broken street date copy. Regardless, glad to say that it's finally almost here. It's been a long ride.
Well my resolve is crushed. There's a toys r us and a Walmart near the bank.... And I have to go to the bank. Might as well check it out!
Just got it at Wal-mart. I live in Dallas. They had quite a few. It didn't ring up at first, but the guy went and got his manager and she overrode it somehow. Crazy!