2 billionsDoes anyone know how many weather seeds there are in total? And was multiple weather seeds a thing in previous games?
I personally don't have any interest finding my weather seed right now. I enjoy the surprise.
2 billions
Its true! And even better feeling knowing that and finding your 1!Surely you're joking? 2 BILLION?
I found what worked for me was the less specific approach. What I did was go back to my screenshots and plugged in dates of meteor showers (chose only whether it’s light or heavy but didn’t input times or intervals) and rainbows. This gave me around three possible seeds and from there I did trial and error until I narrowed it down to one that exactly matched the dates and times indicated for meteor showers. Good luck and hoping you find your seed soon! It’s really super helpful.I tried but could never get it right. i'd input weather info and eventually get no matches. once i got a match only to find out it was wrong. i'm not understanding how to do it with meteor showers. what i'm getting is you are supposed to count how many shooting stars, but is it per minute? per hour? and how can you really accurately keep track? i know i would miscount and mess it up.
Its true! And even better feeling knowing that and finding your 1!
Yes, I too, love the surprise of getting rainbows and seeing the weather suddenly foggy but I did this to help me farm more zodiac fragments because my island sort of has a celestial vibe to it and so it’s literally covered in fragments all over the place and finding out my chances in farming them is such a great help.While I wouldn’t mind if Isabelle was updated to share more about the forecast for the day....
I’m too lazy to go to the effort of doing the weather seed myself. I also like the surprise or sky gazing aspect when waiting on stars. So knowing the exact time segment to find stars would I guess ruin it for me.
I can understand why it’s helpful for others though.Congrats to everyone that got their seeds and good luck to those working on it!