I love winter, but I've never had one.

Winter is my favourite season. I love snow (although it does only fall occasionally here in Germany) and when the winter holidays come, Every year I go outside to buikd a huge igloo out of snow. I also love ice-skating and sliding down the hills with a sleigh!

The only problem that I have with winter is the cold at 6am.. Where I live, the heater doesn't work so I have to dress up in an awfully cold room.. Last year I tried to heat my room and it had 13?C (at daytime, don't ask me how cold it got in the night..). Also, when you go outside in the morning, sometimes it's about -12?C and although I can stand the cold, even I am freezing!

Still, I think a cold winter with much snow is definitely worth experiencing once :D
I grew up with the four seasons. I used to hate winter because of the snow melting and icing over... I just have terrible memories of trying to get to school slipping over ice or trudging through mushy show. Ironically, I love winter sports but just not the season in general. But since maybe 5-6 years now I've been living in South East Asia where the climate it always hot, humid, and just unbelievably sticky. And you wont believe how much I miss living in a country with four seasons. I just want to feel cold on my face again just to feel alive lol U_U
So all that ice doesn't melt until spring?

Are there places were snow doesn't get muddy? I mean, I knew snow would be a mess in big cities.

I know the snow might reflect the sun, but at least it's not too intense. Where you live the sun probably elevates only at a 30? angle, which means it's still less strong than, say, 45?. Yeah, my eyes are really light sensitive, and it's always bright in here :(.

Where I live, the grass dies as well before winter, and it all becomes yellow, dry and patchy, and it doesn't even snow here!

What do you normally do at power outages while you're stuck at your house?

Well, I don't get snow and ice all winter long. It's sporadic. So, usually around November we start getting our first frosts. That means it gets cold enough at night for the morning dew to freeze over. To be honest, that can look really pretty. That's about the time the grass starts dying too. We used to get our first snow sometime in December, but lately it's been too warm. We even had a few 70-80F days last December. So now we don't get our first snow until maybe January or February.

When it snows here, we only get maybe a few inches or at most 1-2 feet of snow. Then, it usually doesn't snow again for weeks. So if we only got a few inches, everything might be melted within 24-48 hours. If we got 1-2 feet of snow, it will stick around for about a week. Areas that are piled up from shoveling and scraping can last months, but the bulk of it is gone pretty quickly. That goes for the ice too.

We continue to get the occasional snow or ice storm into spring. We've had snow as late as May before, although that's not typical. It usually ends by April.

The snow will get muddy anywhere that there are people to trample it or drive over it, but if you want to see it in it's pristine form, I'm sure there are places outside of town. The fields, countryside, and mountains are probably undisturbed for the most part. But traveling to them would be a problem if the roads aren't cleared.

When we have power outages, I can find plenty to do. First, there are usually chores to be done. You've still got to shovel snow, clean off your car, etc, even if you don't have a warm house to come back into. Then, it depends on how light it is. If it's daytime, I love to read so that helps pass the time. Sometimes, I'll even read in the dark by flashlight or candlelight, but that can strain the eyes so I don't do that too often. If I don't think the power will be off long (less than 24 hrs and you kind of get a feel for these things after living with it for so long), then I don't mind using up my battery life, so I'll play ACNL or go on my laptop or phone...no internet, though, if the power's out. But the main thing I do when there's nothing else to do is just talk to my husband. It's actually kind of nice to reconnect without any screens or distractions sometimes.
Winter is probably my favorite season. Or at least it used to be. Nowadays we usually get mild winters so most of the snow we get melts during the day and turns into ice during the night. To make things worse, the town I live in doesn't even sand the sidewalks so you get wet, slippery ice everywhere all the time. I hate that.

We used to have better winters when I was a child. Cold with tons of snow. We still get them occasionally. At least for short periods. There's nothing more beautiful than snow sparkling like billions of tiny, tiny diamonds in the sunlight. I know that heavy snowfall causes a lot of trouble for many people but, while I can sympathize with those that suffer, I personally love it. There's nothing better than having your hometown covered in blindingly white snow. Around -10?C/14?F is perfect in the winter.

I could never live in a country with a hot climate. It's bad enough when it gets over 20?C/70?F but these last summers we've gotten around 30?C/85?F which is not enjoyable for me. I get headaches, nausea, an upset stomach and I have a hard time falling asleep. When I was little I would get really sick from the heat. It's a little bit better now that I now to regularly rehydrate myself.
I live in Texas, and as I said in the climate thread, we rarely ever get snow here. If it happens, it will just be one or two days of the year in winter. Most of the time we get ice instead, which makes driving difficult.

That being said, I’ve experienced snow before, and while it’s fun and all, I’m happy to live in a place where we rarely ever see it. I much prefer the heat over the cold. Winter is also my least favorite season. :)
I never been in snow but I wish I could be in it once
I saw online that it was wet but to me that is just a silly myth I know snow is dry :)
The title is questionable, lol. At first I thought, well how can you love winter if you've never had one?

(in my opinion):
Winter sucks. Snow is a huge inconvenience when trying to get to work. You don't want to do anything when its -9 degrees celsius out. All my exercising habits are lost in the winter and I get chubby lol.

This is my biggest gripe with cold weather. Don't get me wrong, I love my hot drinks and blankets but when the cold weather interferes with my plans then it stops me from enjoying the winter months all together.
Winter is my favourite season. I love snow (although it does only fall occasionally here in Germany) and when the winter holidays come, Every year I go outside to buikd a huge igloo out of snow. I also love ice-skating and sliding down the hills with a sleigh!

The only problem that I have with winter is the cold at 6am.. Where I live, the heater doesn't work so I have to dress up in an awfully cold room.. Last year I tried to heat my room and it had 13?C (at daytime, don't ask me how cold it got in the night..). Also, when you go outside in the morning, sometimes it's about -12?C and although I can stand the cold, even I am freezing!

Still, I think a cold winter with much snow is definitely worth experiencing once :D

My house gets really hot compared to the outside, even in winter my house can be as hot as 27? while outside it's 22?.

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Winter is my favourite season. I love snow (although it does only fall occasionally here in Germany) and when the winter holidays come, Every year I go outside to buikd a huge igloo out of snow. I also love ice-skating and sliding down the hills with a sleigh!

The only problem that I have with winter is the cold at 6am.. Where I live, the heater doesn't work so I have to dress up in an awfully cold room.. Last year I tried to heat my room and it had 13?C (at daytime, don't ask me how cold it got in the night..). Also, when you go outside in the morning, sometimes it's about -12?C and although I can stand the cold, even I am freezing!

Still, I think a cold winter with much snow is definitely worth experiencing once :D

My house gets really hot compared to the outside, even in winter my house can be as hot as 27? while outside it's 22?.

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I grew up with the four seasons. I used to hate winter because of the snow melting and icing over... I just have terrible memories of trying to get to school slipping over ice or trudging through mushy show. Ironically, I love winter sports but just not the season in general. But since maybe 5-6 years now I've been living in South East Asia where the climate it always hot, humid, and just unbelievably sticky. And you wont believe how much I miss living in a country with four seasons. I just want to feel cold on my face again just to feel alive lol U_U

Yeah, I love the sensation of cold air in the face!
I'll trade you!! We've got snow already and it's been a steady -13C here. It got to -25C already which is crazy for only November. It's a huge inconvenience if you drive because the roads suck, your car has trouble starting in the cold and you have to brush off the snow and scrap off the ice. It's not as appealing as it looks in movies lol.

The snow is nice for Christmas but that's it. Otherwise, not a fan of driving to work in the dark and driving home in the dark. The little sunlight gets to me and makes me feel drowsy/depressed.

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I grew up with the four seasons. I used to hate winter because of the snow melting and icing over... I just have terrible memories of trying to get to school slipping over ice or trudging through mushy show. Ironically, I love winter sports but just not the season in general. But since maybe 5-6 years now I've been living in South East Asia where the climate it always hot, humid, and just unbelievably sticky. And you wont believe how much I miss living in a country with four seasons. I just want to feel cold on my face again just to feel alive lol U_U

Oh my god. Consistent humidity is almost worse than the cold for me. I hate feeling wet all the time and having frizzy hair.
I don't like winter and there's no snow in this part of Australia. It's summer here in three days! ^_^

Though I can't stand being too hot, I've always found it's easier to cool off than to get warm.
In California, kill me with that Red Flag Warning and 90 degree heat at some days. Really, I wish I had an actual winter place. Sure, I can literally drive to the mountains but even there doesn't have much snow since the wet season (around October to March) is delayed. >_>

Luckily, we are getting some moderate rain next week so yay. Problem is, before on Sunday, it is a Red Flag Warning with those dry Santa Ana winds. :/ I live close to the rim so it won't be as strong. Last year, oh boy, it was raining a ton and it even snowed for like...3 minutes. :[

In total, winter is okay, as long there's moderate rain and no heat.
I'm so sorry to hear about your unfortunate weather. I absolutely love winters where I live- I'm lucky to be New York. Our winters can get below zero in my area, with a few feet of snow or higher if left untaken care of. We experience blizzards, white outs, and days without sun. Are winters can be pretty long and kinda gloomy towards the end. My area has a natural vitamin D deficiency because it, lol. No lie. Winters are often longer than the warm months. Thankfully, when Summer does roll around, it's lovely.

I could never imagine living in a place where I can't experience winter or the other seasons. Maybe one day you'll be able to move up North.
Haha, that's everybody who's never lived in a place that has winters. The snow is always mud unless it's fresh, you really don't see the pretty side unless it starts snowing in the middle of a Sunday when there's not much going on in the world. Here are some pictures of what it looks like when it's snowing here:





I like winter in theory, but having to live it every year just makes it my least favorite season. Even if it'd stay pretty, it's still such a hassle.
I'm from Ontario, Canada where we do experience winter! We get a good amount of snowfall (nothing too insane like Prince Edward Island but we have definitely pile up here) and the temperature isn't horrifyingly cold (unlike say, Alberta, which I find to be a harsher drier cold!) but it is definitely a tricky season.

I love the snow but I can still see the downsides to the season. It can make commuting to places tricky (in my small town at least the sidewalks are not maintained to travelling by foot is dicey, buses are cancelled really frequently but that doesn't mean that work is closed, and winter driving can be really scary), it has a negative impact on houses and cars (as does the salt used to counteract the snow), and the days being shorter is actually a bummer.

It can really bring your mood down to go to work in the dark and go home in the dark. I'm incredibly grateful that my job gives me some outside time every day (so long as the temperature isn't too cold) so I'm able to get some sunlight but I know plenty of jobs where that isn't possible. This is all the more apparent after the holidays, imo. At least from now until the first week of January lets say - my town is lit up with Christmas lights so it's not as dark, but from January through till March where it's just snow, cold, and darkness it can be rough.

I'm not trying to sound like a negative Nancy though! I really do love the snow. I'm a preschool teacher and I love playing in the snow with my kids (sledding, building snowmen, making forts, etc), watching the big snowflakes fall is one of my favourite things along with making footprints in the snow, I prefer the cold to the heat (heat makes me feel sick really easily), and of course winter is when my favourite holiday is (Christmas!) so that's always a bonus. I just wish the sun didn't set at 5 pm and that snow only stuck to grass!
Haha, that's everybody who's never lived in a place that has winters. The snow is always mud unless it's fresh, you really don't see the pretty side unless it starts snowing in the middle of a Sunday when there's not much going on in the world. Here are some pictures of what it looks like when it's snowing here:





I like winter in theory, but having to live it every year just makes it my least favorite season. Even if it'd stay pretty, it's still such a hassle.

I must admit that I'm fascinated with snow. I've never seen it and would like to, just once. (Except in Animal Crossing it's horrid)
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I live in a place where I experience the four seasons, albeit it stays and is a bit colder since it is further up north. I have to say I quite like it. Feeling each season is really refreshing as around the time you get sick of it, the next season is about to start. I am more inclined to the colder seasons though as I just prefer them.

Maybe one day you could travel to a place that experiences all seasons? The snow and cold is definitely interesting to experience. If you really like it, then maybe you can move there one day. :)
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I live in a place where I experience the four seasons, albeit it stays and is a bit colder since it is further up north. I have to say I quite like it. Feeling each season is really refreshing as around the time you get sick of it, the next season is about to start. I am more inclined to the colder seasons though as I just prefer them.

Maybe one day you could travel to a place that experiences all seasons? The snow and cold is definitely interesting to experience. If you really like it, then maybe you can move there one day. :)

I would really like to move somewhere with four seasons. Snow has always been my lifelong wish since I was very little, and it's very disappointing when another year ends, and I haven't seen snow yet.

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I live in a place where I experience the four seasons, albeit it stays and is a bit colder since it is further up north. I have to say I quite like it. Feeling each season is really refreshing as around the time you get sick of it, the next season is about to start. I am more inclined to the colder seasons though as I just prefer them.

Maybe one day you could travel to a place that experiences all seasons? The snow and cold is definitely interesting to experience. If you really like it, then maybe you can move there one day. :)

I would really like to move somewhere with four seasons. Snow has always been my lifelong wish since I was very little, and it's very disappointing when another year ends, and I haven't seen snow yet.
I live in Moscow so I've had my fair share of winters and I hate them. I dislike snow and cold, I hate how it's all grey and ugly until the summer. You aren't missing much.
I live in Moscow so I've had my fair share of winters and I hate them. I dislike snow and cold, I hate how it's all grey and ugly until the summer. You aren't missing much.

Oh really? I love when the days get dark and gray. It gives the city a quieter, more majestic and modern look.