I love winter, but I've never had one.

i honestly really dislike winter. i don’t mind the cold all that much but i hate snow and slush and all of that stuff - it’s not so bad if i can just stay indoors but if i have to leave my house for school or what not, i hate dealing with it lol
Snow is pretty and all but the cold can brutal and unsafe especially if you live in a windy place that's also rainy. Driving on unsalted snow is bad enough but with snow and rain mixed together, you get ice everywhere and there are so many accidents. Just cleaning your car off with a snow brush and attempting to scrape off ice makes it feel like your hands are gonna burn and fall off.

There's so much time spent waiting for the car to warm up and because you have to drive way under the speed limit to get to where you want to go alive, you'll often be late for work which can instantly go bad depending on your employer and circumstances. Unless you're a kid who gets to frolic around in the snow, it's more of an inconvenience than anything.
For me, snow is MISERABLE - the slush and ice makes it impossible to get anywhere on foot. And, especially if you live in a large city, everyone forgets how to drive if there's even a tiny bit of snow. Having to drive becomes so much more dangerous. Plus, it becomes so bright outside from the white that it starts to hurt your eyes.

There's definitely some appeal, especially if you ski or snowboard. I don't do either of those so... it's not my cup of tea.
personally, i hate winter. i live in canada, it's miserable, cold, wet and slushy. it's dark all day which makes you feel depressed, tons of traffic accidents due to ice + the danger of falling, very hard to get anywhere on foot etc. even pretty winter scenes become pretty much existent after a few days of snow as it all turns to slush. if you like winter sports it is pretty much the only advantage. BUT that said, of course if you have never experienced winter before the novelty would make it very fun the first time!
Neither is preferable, but I'd rather live where it is incessantly hot than it is incessantly cold (as I do now).
Where I am, it isn't even cold in an endearing way (i.e. snow), it's just cold, gloomy & rainy. Therefore, this area doesn't even really have proper winters (with the exception of coldness, which occurs year-round).
I'm not trying to sound like a negative Nancy though! I really do love the snow. I'm a preschool teacher and I love playing in the snow with my kids (sledding, building snowmen, making forts, etc), watching the big snowflakes fall is one of my favourite things along with making footprints in the snow, I prefer the cold to the heat (heat makes me feel sick really easily), and of course winter is when my favourite holiday is (Christmas!) so that's always a bonus. I just wish the sun didn't set at 5 pm and that snow only stuck to grass!

Aww that sounds very cute and fun! At least I've found someone who likes winter as well. I understand the inconveniences that snow might cause, but I think it's still beautiful.
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The title is questionable, lol. At first I thought, well how can you love winter if you've never had one?

This is my biggest gripe with cold weather. Don't get me wrong, I love my hot drinks and blankets but when the cold weather interferes with my plans then it stops me from enjoying the winter months all together.
At my school, PE takes place around noon, so I think doing exercise when its hot is worse because you get sweaty and you overheat more easily. Imagine running outside at noon with a 33ºC+ weather and it's sunny. I try to stay hydrated, but I sometimes even feel dizzy after doing exercise in the heat. It's not a pleasant experience.
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Neither is preferable, but I'd rather live where it is incessantly hot than it is incessantly cold (as I do now).
Where I am, it isn't even cold in an endearing way (i.e. snow), it's just cold, gloomy & rainy. Therefore, this area doesn't even really have proper winters (with the exception of coldness, which occurs year-round).
Well at least it gets cold. I would be perfectly okay if my winters were rainy, cold and cloudy, even if it didn't snow.
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I used to live in California, every winter my friend next door and I would hope for snow, it was such a severe improbability but we still just wanted it so badly for some reason... she'd seen snow before, during the winters her family would actually go up to areas of the country where it existed and they'd spend some time away there, I hadn't.

It wasn't until we moved away from California to a place with very bipolar weather that I finally got to experience it at eighteen years of age. It was such a surreal experience that I won't ever forget and though the snow makes driving terrifying, and ice is scary, and the cold makes it hard for me to breathe sometimes... .. I love it.

I look forward to white Christmases every year and while it doesn't always happen, I just, can't help but feel such adoration for the cold weather.

I am someone who prefer cold over hot anyway, because you can put as many layers on as you like, but you can only take so many off ;D

I'd say, if you ever have the chance, at least adventure to somewhere where that kind of cold exists, where you can see the snow for yourself and make your own decisions on whether or not its an enjoyable affair ^ ^
I used to love winter (because of the snow) but here in the past couple years we’ve barely gotten any snow, so now I’m pretty indifferent to winter. I enjoy colder weather, but early spring and late fall also get chilly and have the advantage of being prettier.
I HATE winter. I've lived in the midwest my whole life and it's just miserable from November until the end of April usually. Yes the snow looks pretty when it first falls but after a day or two it starts to look dirty and slushy and it loses that magic. Also say goodbye to the sun because you won't see if for months on end.

With all the being said, I don't think I could live anywhere that didn't have all four seasons. I love watching the leaves bud in spring, turn green and full for summer, and then turn into the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows in the fall. While I don't like winter, you can't have the other seasons without it so I put up with it.
Snow is okay. I live in the valley of a mountainous area and snow does fall usually between January to March but not very frequently. Lately for the past couple of years, I have been getting snow as early as November and it’s actually kinda cool.

However, too much snow is a pain in the ass to deal with. When it becomes slushy and wet, it’s ugly and it’s the worst especially when you have to drive through it.

I do experience all 4 seasons where I live though! In the spring, cherry blossom and dogwood trees bloom but where I live is a massive hotbed for pollen and was actually voted as one of the top 10 worst cities to live in if you had allergies. Summer becomes hot and humid and you can see fireflies every now and then. Fall is the most prettiest season but it becomes very dry. It rains a lot once it reaches late October though.