I might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2006
Okay, I'm typing this with my wrists resting on a huge book. I will type as much as I can.

Okay, a few weeks ago, I was minding my own business as usual. I was browsing around the internet, as I do usually. It was time to get off and was time for bed.

Day after, I got on, and when I started typing a few words, I had this sensation just near where the ring finger starts. I resumed typing. It happened, this time, in the left. I told my teacher about it when I got to school the next day. She said that I might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It seems I am paying for my excessive computer time. I must take the consequences.

So, don't expect me on for a few days. My precious hands need to heal. You're probably wondering why I'm even on now. I just had to share this for some reason. But, see ya'll in a few days.
Hmm...I don't think I've ever heard of that. Well, I type a lot and really fast and hard, and my hands never really hurt that much. They jsut get tired after a while.
Super_Naruto said:
Hmm...I don't think I've ever heard of that. Well, I type a lot and really fast and hard, and my hands never really hurt that much. They jsut get tired after a while.
It's a thing with your wrist that usually requires surgery. It happens to people who type a lot and play instruments that require precise, fast, or constant wrist movement.

Basically any excessive strain on the wrist.
Super_Sonic said:
Okay, I'm typing this with my wrists resting on a huge book. I will type as much as I can.

Okay, a few weeks ago, I was minding my own business as usual. I was browsing around the internet, as I do usually. It was time to get off and was time for bed.

Day after, I got on, and when I started typing a few words, I had this sensation just near where the ring finger starts. I resumed typing. It happened, this time, in the left. I told my teacher about it when I got to school the next day. She said that I might have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It seems I am paying for my excessive computer time. I must take the consequences.

So, don't expect me on for a few days. My precious hands need to heal. You're probably wondering why I'm even on now. I just had to share this for some reason. But, see ya'll in a few days.
Just wondering but do you play guitar?
Weird. I was just reading at Wikipedia about it a few days ago because I was worried that I might eventually get it. I suggest you read it to to see if you have or not and what can be done. I don't know, maybe it'll help:

You know what else you can get by sitting on the computer too much?


Just a note . . . My mom keeps reminding me that I can get it if I sit too much without moving.
I think taking breaks in the middle of computer time helps prevent these
Learn your lesson next time, I hope. Lay off the computer, or just don't type and stick to the mouse.
Kyle said:
Learn your lesson next time, I hope. Lay off the computer, or just don't type and stick to the mouse.
The mouse probably doesn't help either.
meh just balance your day with other activities and you will be fine


but yeah carpel tunnel syndrome is the gamers worst enemy... glad I haven't had it yet


good luck getting rid of it though ss
Kyle said:
Learn your lesson next time, I hope. Lay off the computer, or just don't type and stick to the mouse.
The mouse probably doesn't help either.
It doesn't? The mouse is just moving 1 finger.
Storm's right. The mouse keeps the wrist in a curved position, so it doesn't help.

Didn't realize that. I think I had it once, but it was real minor. Just a few prickles. I got off after 10 min. later.
Bulerias said:
Super_Naruto said:
Hmm...I don't think I've ever heard of that. Well, I type a lot and really fast and hard, and my hands never really hurt that much. They jsut get tired after a while.
It's a thing with your wrist that usually requires surgery. It happens to people who type a lot and play instruments that require precise, fast, or constant wrist movement.

Basically any excessive strain on the wrist.
There was a pitcher in MLB a few years back who got it because his family lived in Central America and IMed with them for a couple hrs. daily...

Hope your wrist/hand heals SS!