I thought it was a good idea at the time.....

... covering the entire back half of my island with flowers.

it's very pretty but I'm fickle with my decorating and all I can say is if you want to do this be a hundred percent sure otherwise you'll be like me and spend two plus hours and about 10 shovels getting rid of 400 flowers
I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but you can lay down some transparent qr paths to keep the flowers in check. This game really made the spawn rate of flowers ridiculous.
wow that sounds like a lot of work! i wish we could activate flower destruction (or something like that idk) and just run through the flowers :p
Me too! Some areas I was trying to get hybrids and others were just decorative but I let it all get way out of hand. First I just didn't bother with it and then I wasn't sure what I wanted to do/where I wanted to put them. Finally I just started digging and figuring it out as I went. Took forever and went through at least 10 shovels but finally got it cleared. Now I make sure whenever I see more flowers coming in I immidiately get rid of them.
Lol I've been in that same boat. I planted a few patches of each type of flower in small places at the beginning and they blew up all over the island. Literally everywhere. I've recently been clearing it all away, and making sure to keep some small patches (boxed in this time). I still have ALL of my upper cliffs, they're completely covered in mums. I try to take it one step at a time.
I use the mums because they are dandelion looking. But I kept only 10 yellow, 10 white and 20 green. And heaven willing I'll be better to keep up
I have a giant flower oasis that has some cliff sides and cobble paths restricting them from spawning. There's a few spots where I have to dig up from time to time, but it makes it a lot more manageable. I don't have flowers on my island in a lot of other places, so I don't come across the issue as most others.
I spent over 2 hours last night clearing flowers and quickly made over 100k bells and broke 5 shovels and I'm still not done. Note to self, blue roses sell for a pretty penny! I sold a whole field of them!
I'm currently having the same problem trying to build a cultivated flower space, but I let them run wild all over the island for months before.^^;
I just put clear patterns around my flowers once they have their permanent places ^^
It's very annoying when you have so many flowers on your Island and you have to constantly go back and forth digging out the flowers because your shovel keeps breaking and it takes forever to even get out those flowers trust me I had the same issue before and it take me like almost a week to wait to clear all those flowers because they were all over the island
hehe my 2nd and 3rd levels are COVERED in mums. i mean C O V E R E D.
I fenced it off so it doesn’t multiply onto my actual neighborhood, but it’s kind of insane. I don’t plan on removing it any time soon- i’m too lazy to shovel up at least 500 flowers 😳
I do find them quite pretty for photos and such, but... it’s out of hand. And will stay that way 😃
Leif i’ll give you like 3 million bells just c l e a n them
i bred pink mums during the beginning of my island and the red and white mums multiplied so fast they covered a whole lot of my island. it took my boyfriend and i so long to clean everything up and we werent even done, i finished the rest by myself days later and they had multiplied again lol
My entire town has flowers all over so when it rains I get like 2 inventories full of flowers to throw away. I love having my island decorated with flowers all over but I dread when it rains. Sometimes I won’t even play if it’s snowing or raining. It shouldn’t be like that. I don’t want invisible patterns everywhere either. An ordinance to halt flower growth would be amazing.
I feel you. I moved all my flowers to the beach. The problem I have now is that is about time I decorate my beach. I need them out now to decorate. I can’t move them to land either because that parts decorated. So I’ve been selling, throwing out , etc. but I guess I’m a hoarder. I’ve been doing this for a week. I want them gone, but I feel like I might use them ( which I probably won’t).
I managed to remove them from 3 of my beach sections. I still have two large areas to go.
I know the nature of Animal Crossing is generally slow and methodical, but it would be nice if there was a quicker way to get rid of flowers and adjust outside furniture the way it works when you're in your house.
I have a lot of flowers too that I'm not sure what to do with but I try to keep the hybrids because I haven't finished decorating my island at all and idk maybe I'll need them someday lmao
I love flowers, but my town looks so much better now with less. I cleaned up my campsite ( it's quite large ) and have maybe 7 flowers instead of 30 or more.
Yeah that’s my current dilemma. I’ve focused instead on having all my flowers in a spare town in case I want breading pair and just raising specific flowers on the main town now. Anything excess I sell after turning into wreaths or so. Or I just keep a garbage pail throughout the town to throw out any excess that’s just too much
oh yikes, i feel this. when i was first trying to come up with ideas for my island, one of them was to have a carnival area completely covered with flowers. in fact, i wanted my whole island to be covered in flowers. i’ve since moved past this idea and no longer have any interest in a carnival area but i think my past self would be pleased since they got what they wanted and my island is now covered :) in :) flowers :). help