I wanna leave my game team

. Rarity .

Seventeen 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
I'll straight up say that I'm not enjoying it anymore, and there's a few reasons.

One is that the leader I've been playing with stepped down, and guy who I've had bad experiences with is now the leader. He used to be second in command but now he's the head honcho.

He's not a great guy, but I'm not here to dis on him. But another reason I don't really like it, is because it's becoming kinda sexist. Like they don't really care about the female players, and don't mind taunting us. It's really immature and so not like the team I knew. I think all the former leaders are gonna leave.

We've had alot of old members leave and new ones come in who are like. So annoying. I don't play with emotes on, and they spam them like crazy in battle, or just brag. Then get annoyed with me first not using emotes (I could careless about that) I'm supposed to train them, and it's like being a kindergarten teacher. It's terrible.

I'm not really enthused about the game, as silly as it sounds I'm more into a Crossy Roads spin off right now phone game wise. xD just because it's chill. It's confirmed that there are AI bot players in the game, and you can add them to your team. Which is ridiculous.

The only time I play the game is the required days, loosing doesn't even stress me out. I'm just so bored, or done with it.

But I'm at a stand still because there are some people in that group I do like. I do get along with, and have been there so so many times for me. I owe alot, they have really been there

My leader played for me for six months while Mt mom was in the hospital, just so I wouldn't loose ranks. It's was very kind, and so unexpected.

So I'd be sad to let them go

The second is that I talked to another friend on the team about leaving and she said she was gonna leave with me if I did. Which I really don't know. Because a few people might leave if I do.

I don't know why, but I don't want the team to loose members if I leave and Uninstall the stupid game.

Final reason is I'm not sure how I tell people. Should I just make an announcement and leave? Or should I leave? I'm really desperate for advice on what I should do.
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An0ther reason is I simply don't have the time for it.

Like I've got stuff going on in my life, it's like 10pm when I get home and I still gotta do the weekend tournaments. Which is like the last thing I wanna do ever.

But it hurts the team if I don't
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I understand how you're feeling - it's an awful position to be in. I left a game a while ago for similar reasons.

The group advertised itself as casual. It was great, everyone was friendly and welcoming, and as long as you were decently active, there were no problems. The leader started befriending other team leaders, which was fine. But then whenever there was a position open (which wasn't all that common at the time), they'd be taken up by ex-whales from those other teams. Gradually, with the ex-whales still being overly competitive, the team became less friendly and lost nearly all of the regular members, and the team leader, whilst still polite, pretty much pushed the last stragglers away because they wanted a competitive group instead.

I ended up contacting the leader to let them know I was going to be leaving the game, and after it was acknowledged, I made a quick announcement and left the group and the game.

You can always try that if you don't feel comfortable just leaving without notice - depending on how strongly you feel about the previous experiences with the leader, of course. Otherwise, are there any (new) co-leaders you can contact?

Alternatively, you could just say that you need a break from the game for a while. Our team had a few very active members who did just that - some returned a over a year later, others never did.
Didn’t you post something similar a few months back? Is this about the same game? I honestly feel like you posting this thread is very telling. The fact that you posted this is already a sign you should leave. If you’re saying a lot of older members left, that’s also a sign. Some people move on, but it could be a sign there’s something wrong.

It seems like you’re more worried about other people leaving, but I can assure you that if they leave because you leave, they’re already checked out. From the perspective of someone else, they’d be using you leaving as a scapegoat to leave a group they already really weren’t that into. From what I’m gathering, you and your friends are feeling similar ways but neither one of you want to take the leap. I’d urge you to really think about what you want, but this seems like nothing but a vicious cycle.
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Didn’t you post something similar a few months back? Is this about the same game? I honestly feel like you posting this thread is very telling. The fact that you posted this is already a sign you should leave. If you’re saying a lot of older members left, that’s also a sign. Some people move on, but it could be a sign there’s something wrong.

It seems like you’re more worried about other people leaving, but I can assure you that if they leave because you leave, they’re already checked out. From the perspective of someone else, they’d be using you leaving as a scapegoat to leave a group they already really weren’t that into. From what I’m gathering, you and your friends are feeling similar ways but neither one of you want to take the leap. I’d urge you to really think about what you want, but this seems like nothing but a vicious cycle.
Yes I did post something similar a bit back, but ironically that was for when the game was dying and I was looking for something else we could all play (I'm just guessing don't quote me)

But yes it is a bit of a vicious cycle, and you are right about all that being very telling. I do agree.
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I understand how you're feeling - it's an awful position to be in. I left a game a while ago for similar reasons.

The group advertised itself as casual. It was great, everyone was friendly and welcoming, and as long as you were decently active, there were no problems. The leader started befriending other team leaders, which was fine. But then whenever there was a position open (which wasn't all that common at the time), they'd be taken up by ex-whales from those other teams. Gradually, with the ex-whales still being overly competitive, the team became less friendly and lost nearly all of the regular members, and the team leader, whilst still polite, pretty much pushed the last stragglers away because they wanted a competitive group instead.

I ended up contacting the leader to let them know I was going to be leaving the game, and after it was acknowledged, I made a quick announcement and left the group and the game.

You can always try that if you don't feel comfortable just leaving without notice - depending on how strongly you feel about the previous experiences with the leader, of course. Otherwise, are there any (new) co-leaders you can contact?

Alternatively, you could just say that you need a break from the game for a while. Our team had a few very active members who did just that - some returned a over a year later, others never did.
It's the exact same. Whales, very competitive Whales who I think want to turn the team into something seriously competitive, and I don't want to be in that sort of team
An0ther reason is I simply don't have the time for it.

Like I've got stuff going on in my life, it's like 10pm when I get home and I still gotta do the weekend tournaments. Which is like the last thing I wanna do ever.
regardless of all the interpersonal problems you're having, i think this, alone, is well enough reason to leave the team. first off, there is no debt for good favors. someone doing something good for you doesn't mean you're obligated to keep yourself in a bad situation (don't look at my post history) and it's simply not bringing you joy anymore. work/life/play balance is important. it sounds like it's ruining that balance by being more of a burden rather than a fun, enjoyable activity. your third space should not be a place you don't enjoy- metaphorically speaking.

i would leave the team. keep in touch with those you care the most about, but move on to doing things you enjoy.
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I get what you mean. It's always hard to leave a friend group, especially when you have good times tied to them. But sometimes you have to take a step back and think about how you feel playing with them.

You've flat out said that you don't enjoy playing and it seems like the only thing stopping you from leaving is a sense of obligation to your team. I'll tell you right now, hanging out with people out of a sense of duty, no matter how well intentioned, is only going to build resentment and sadness on your part. It may seem like a kind thing to do on paper, but friendships cannot be built or maintained out of a sense of duty. Cracks are going to show.

Honestly, I would make a goodbye post and maybe privately reach out to anyone that you would like to keep in contact with. Remember that there's always going to be new members for those guys to play with and you're not responsible for their enjoyment of the game. If they decide to stop playing or switch to a new team, that's on them, not you. You can only control what you do. Go have fun. Live your life!
It is incredibly hard to leave, But I have decided to leave. I am going to this weekend. My leader was very kind and sweet about understanding.

I'll admit it does hurt right now, but I know it was the right choice.

Thank you for all the thoughts, and advice it's appreciated. Thank you for encouragment
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