idea for additional dream suite functionality?


sometimes confused
May 6, 2015
not sure if this is the right board for this, but i had this idea last night... ;u; i was visiting dream towns that i've seen around the forums, and i noticed something pretty cool in that if you visit a town that you share villagers with, the villagers will recognize you, like they're from your town! which is a super neat touch, but it also got me thinking as i repeatedly smacked someone's wisteria trellis with a hammer. if the villagers you share with a dream town recognize you, wouldn't it be neat if they could be more likely to suggest public works projects from that dream town as well?

i.e. you visit a dream town that you share an uchi villager with, and said dream town has a pwp that only uchi villagers can unlock. the day after the visit, maybe the villager will ping you with "i had a dream about a town with a lovely [pwp here]! we should get one of those too, i'll talk to isabelle about it!"

i feel like that'd add a bit more substance to the dream suite beyond each town being a art piece to look through. i'd definitely visit more dream towns if there was a way to benefit from it. what're your thoughts? ovo
A second bed where you can experience more "traditional" dreams, rather than the "visit someone else's town" we've seen.
Wow, what a great idea! :D I also think it would be cool if it was possible to unlock secret PWPs by dreaming a lot of towns (kind of like how you get a badge after a certain amount of dreams) from Isabelle "dreaming" of the given PWP.
Wow, what a great idea! :D I also think it would be cool if it was possible to unlock secret PWPs by dreaming a lot of towns (kind of like how you get a badge after a certain amount of dreams) from Isabelle "dreaming" of the given PWP.
