how often do you remember your dreams?

I don't remember my most recent dreams, but there's a few from several years ago that still haunt me to this day...

...such as getting chased and hit by a driverless truck in the middle of a 3-way intersection on a vehicle-less highway at the middle of the night with only lamposts illuminating the roads.

...or a massive labyrinthine castle in the sky made of stone and steel and lots of gears and machinery where I just kept wandering aimlessly.
I remember very small bits of my dreams. A lot of it impressions of I did XYZ but never the details other than maybe who I was with
I either don't remember (but I am aware I had them) or I only remember them in very minimal detail. I never remember them vividly. There's always something missing...
I go through periods where I go months without remembering a single dream and then I have a bunch in a week or two. Usually I forget about most of them within a few hours. My dreams used to be mostly surreal, but over the past year I've had a bunch of mundane dreams that felt like real life. I'd forget them until something similar happened in the real world and then I remembered I already dreamt it. It's happened to me a lot recently and it's really creepy.
Tbh almost never. Sometimes I have some pieces left of my dreams but not much.
There are some I remember when I first wake up but then forget them very quickly, probably only a handful I can actually recall, usually find I'm better at remembering them if I tell them to someone soon after I wake.