This can be in real life or online. For me I just ignore them because they don't know how I am most of the time. I mean, who are they to tell me that I don't matter in this world. I do! If you're going to outright make fun of someone and act like they will never be as good as you, you will never be as good as them.
So what do you guys do?
If I’m in public I just ignore them and pretend I didn’t hear it. In more professional settings like school or work I tell a higher up. I got a lot of grief for this in school, but I have no regrets. It’s never okay to make fun of someone at their expense.
I haven’t been made fun of recently, but when I was younger - as a kid and high school, I’d never have the courage to say anything, so I ignored them, told an adult and cried. I am not good socializing with people at all all, so confrontations are difficult for me.
Irl unless it's someone I'm friends/close with I ignore it. Online I usually confront them since I tend to have more confidence online and it bothers me how so many people think they can get away with it and think it's ok when it's not.
When I was a kid, I was heavily bullied in school. Had some major anger issues too, so you can imagine how heated a situation got haha. I use to talk back all the time back then, even got in a physical fight one time. Once I got older though I just didn't care what others thought of me anymore and just ignored them. It's better to ignore as most times they just want a rise out of you, but if it is some serious harassment, best to talk to a higher up and have them deal with it.
usually i'd just ignore it but when its online i'll throw it back at them because its pretty sad to even go after someone when you're hiding behind a screen lol
in school, when i was 12, i ignored them for a while, then told a teacher when it got too much. it was never resolved. they didn't believe me, but at least it stopped soon after. when i was older, around 17, it was homophobic comments. i ignored it and didn't tell a teacher because i didn't trust the staff at the school anymore -- both because of the first incident and because of the way they handled the situation leading up to said comments. fortunately, it didn't last long.
online, i'll either ignore them or clown on them. i've had a lot of anonymous abuse in recent years due to openly shipping two women, being gay and criticizing a show's homophobic writing. more often than not i clowned on them because it's funny.
I usually ignore them, but if they get real bad about it in person, in all honesty I get nasty back just enough to get them to leave me alone and move on. I wouldn't think that is good advice, but I was asked and that is what I do.
I do think that since I was a kid, the internet is alot better about the bullying and harassment issues out there with mods and policies in place. And if this is going on online, just block them and don't reply to them at all.
If it is family, or even work, I understand how that can be hard, and you have to sometimes really think about how to go about those kinds of situations. Especially if you can't just avoid them because of whatever circumstances or situation.
I like to avoid conflict so I usually just ignore it, but I've been fairly lucky in that I believe most of my teasing was intended to be good-natured and friendly. I may not have always appreciated it, but I don't believe anyone ever meant me harm.
If it becomes bullying or harassment, though, then I think anyone should report it to a higher up if possible.
If it's online, I ignore and report it (if I remember to). I got harassed the other day in VR poker and got too frazzled to even bother reporting though :/
Nothing happens in person these days as I'm an adult but if I did I guess I'd ignore it and tell another adult (my husband) about it lmao
If it’s someone I don’t know, I ignore them. I couldn’t care less about someone who doesn’t know me‘s opinion of me. If it is someone I know though, I will explain my side and stand up for myself. And if someone I care about is being made fun of I will stand up for them too.
I’m used to being made fun of offline, so it doesn’t bother me much. I’ll usually just laugh with them (assuming they aren’t being consistent or aggressive about it). It hurts on the inside a little, but I’m too afraid to stand up for myself or anything. So I’ll just laugh along as if I also see it as funny.
I typically ignore it. I wish I could say I always ignore it, but unfortunately that’s not always the case. If it happens online, I will just block them. Depending on how extreme the insults are, I will say something back out of anger, but I’m trying to control myself. I was fired from one of my previous jobs for a confrontation with a coworker (both of us were terminated, but that’s not really the point). I feel that I’m a target sometimes because I do let people walk over me. I’m pretty much a doormat, which is why I feel I get taken advantage of. I wish I could grow thicker skin, but it is what it is.
Serious/"Civilized" answer: Ignore them, although if it's really severe or persistent, then I have no other choice but to confront them, to engage them, to erase them (and it doesn't matter whether it's in real life or online).