If you could move Resident Services...


Bring on the rain ☔
Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
If you could move Resident Services, what are you wanting to do? What are your plans?
And are you willing to uproot your entire island if we got this ability out of the blue?

Would you be content if you could move Resident Services as long as it is not past the first half of your island?

I think I would put mine on the first cliff somewhere. Maybe behind or infront of Villager houses. And I would uproot my whole island for a new look.
Gotta be honest, I’d leave mine where it is. The placement doesn’t bother me.
On Muir Wood, I might move Resident Services, build up a cliff where it currently is, and then put it back, hah. I picked the island map so that the airport drops you off in a straight line to the center of the plaza, so I'm happy to keep that as is; it might just be a neat change to have it on a second layer cliff instead of ground level.
leave the abd and move that whole thing to another island and let me call tom nook with any future infrastructure changes i would need

but seriously i would try to conceal it as much as possible on a cliff or something
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honestly, I don't mind it's placement! I'd potentially move it a couple spots to the right so that it lines up perfectly with the airport but really I'm perfectly happy with the way it is now - it's a nice central hub to the island, right next to the neighbourhood so it gets lots of activity
i don't even know if i would want it at this point because 1. i'm fine with both my res. services placements on both my island, even if they could be alittle better 2. i'd be more annoyed that they finally decided to add the feature when it should've been added into the game in the first place (or at least in an earlier update)
I would love to move it next to my house at the back of my island. I want it close to my house so I can redeem my daily NMTs without having to walk all the way across my island!
I would be willing to uproot my whole island to move it but I don't think I'd have to due to my island design thus far. I would want to move it to the back of my island on the cliffs where I have created a main-street/city setting inspired by previous games. It would fit in perfectly and allow me to make a nicer entrance. If we were limited to just the first half of our island which, I should add, would still be better than not being able to move it at all, I would put it at the back of the first half in the middle with a long path directly from the airport leading up to it.
I'd move it a little further back from where it currently resides, so it wouldn't interfere with my plans for the island.

If we could separate the building and the plaza, I'd move the building to the seafront and the plaza would be more in the center of the island. I would absolutely demolish half of my island if I could have this version, it would be perfect.
I found a way to make my resident services building work so I wouldn't move it I don't think. My liking the placement is part of why I chose my island layout, I wanted it near the airport because I think it's convenient for inviting people over for events.
On my main island I would pay all of my bells to move it so its farther from my entrance. It's only 8 spaces away from the airport and 2 off-center, and its bothered me for a long time. I don't even need it that far away, just like 12 spaces would be enough to make a nice entrance. I've made it work with the current placement, but I still wish I could have more space. It's especially annoying when trying to trade with people because there's hardly any space to drop items.
The position of my resident services didn't bother me for ages, I was happy with where it was for a long time while playing the game until I really got stuck into decorating my island and laying down paths and since then it has really bothered me. It's pretty close to the airport but I can't put down a nice straight path from the airport up to the RS because its one tile out of line, so if I could move it I'd place it one tile west from where it is now and then I could be fully satisfied with the entrance area.
I probably move it some place in the mountains and in a north corner. Either way I'd be able to comfortably fit it in my designs rather than work my designs around it just plopped where it is now.
I’d probably try to stick it on the beach with everything else because idk what I’m doing with my island. 😂 😭
Mine is a whopping 5 (FIVE) tiles away from the airport, so I'd move it literally anywhere north so I could make an entrance