If you could move Resident Services...

My Resident Services is off center and it still annoys me. If only I could move it a tile or two to the right then I'd be very happy.

I built around mine and everything worked out just fine. I have no reason to move it.
I’m happy with my layout. If I had to move it, I’d move it one tile to the east. That way, it would be lined up nicely. But I’ve already built around it and I’m pretty satisfied.
where my resident services building is doesn't bother me but I would align it more with the airport
I feel like I am thinking outside the box. It seems a majority of players like to pair their town hall with the entrance/airport (Not that there's anything wrong with that), where I see this as a design limitation. Being able to move it for me means anywhere on the island and not just a few spaces left/right/up/down in relevance to the airport.

These are examples using starting maps. I'm sure they can get more elaborate with some of the terraforming designs people do, and also since people could do terraforming designs specifically for the planned placement.


Honestly, I am fine with my Resident Services location. I have it right next to my Nooks, which is right next to Able's for a nice little downtown.
I do kinda wonder if the reason why they have it immoveable is because if you delete your inclines and you happen to not have a ladder nor a bench to make a ladder (esp if you don't have wood/trees) you can't get to RS. RS has a workbench inside. That circumstance is so remote though...
I do kinda wonder if the reason why they have it immoveable is because if you delete your inclines and you happen to not have a ladder nor a bench to make a ladder (esp if you don't have wood/trees) you can't get to RS. RS has a workbench inside. That circumstance is so remote though...

Rescue Services.
I would shift mine one tile to the west to make it centred with my airport. Otherwise I’m perfectly happy with where it is.
I'd move it so it's centered with the airport but keep it the same distance! I'm okay where it is now though :)
If I could juussssttt line it up with my airport, I don't think I'd be struggling so bad with "city planning"
I used to be annoyed that my airport wasn't aligned straight with my airport, but now that I've built around it, I actually like where it is now.
Mine is in a pretty decent spot but considering the way I just redid the rivers I think I would want to move it over just a little bit. Luckily when I restarted my island last June I paid attention to where the resident service building would be because I read a lot of posts of people wishing they had taken better note of where the building was