If it were somehow possible and there weren't any licensing issues or whatever, considering they were from a different Japanese company's products back in 2002, I would love to see Bow and Meow return. Reason being, I love all of the robot villagers in the series and would like to see a robot villager for all of the species someday, so these villagers with digital screens for faces would be cool twists on the concept. Additionally, their faces being digital screens, they could have neat, unique facial expressions show up on their screens that you can't do with villagers that have actual, physical facial structure.
They would be really cool to see back! And they would definitely offer a kind of novelty like Julian or Flora where they are really unique within their species. I think Meow would really be a standout in a species that has a lot of standout villagers.
On a related note, I think it would be really cool to see Filly and/or Holden return, but also think that licensing would prevent that from ever happening, unfortunately.