Sorry that is the way the world is. Buncha jerks. And they literally called you a Comedy Central show. I'm not sure why.well, this dude I thought I COULD TRUST, i didn't monitor him, but i had another friend over, so they watched. I asked the dude where he was. no answer, then, he almost got away! I suspected he stole something, so my other visitor agreed. Good thing I switched off wireless
another story, 4 people cyberbullying me. 3 at once, 1 a short time after. one of them reaped me of 99k they didn't even feel sorry. I asked for it back, and they said "i'm not making that mistake of giving it back"
I know, kids today, stealing virtual, fake fruit from me. Nobody has any moral standards anymore, what will become of this planet? I say we send all virtual fruit thieves to outer space where they can suffer a slow, painful, freezing death. That will solve everything. I'm glad we can take the higher ground here, so that justice may be served.
People need to respect other people. In fact my brother (who is ten) was going to steal some carnations cause they looked cool. However I stopped him told him just to ask and that he shouldnt steal from other players. He ask and got them, in fact the person gave him like 5 of each. So now my brother knows not to steal and asks for things. Thats my story anyway.
This one time I had a retail premium on perfect apples and I invited people over to take advantage. I specifically stated that while leaving a basket or two as a tip would be nice they didn't have too and I would be happy as long as they didn't steal my flowers. Most of my hybrid flowers were in storage but I had purple and orange ones out that I was trying to breed and didn't want to lose them so I put out a gold rose to distract potential thieves. Someone named Grace offered to leave some perfect apples as a tip (which she didn't actually do despite me saying it was completely optional so I was needlessly disappointed by that) and she stole the gold rose. Oddly enough she put the rose back down, donated to my public works project, and then stole it again. I probably could've stopped her, I had enough time to say "Ahem" before she got away but I didn't care that much. Heck I would've given it to her if she asked but she didn't and I announced her thievery to the disqus forum and never heard from her again.
Wasn't too bad for my first thief all things considered, but these kinds of things make me reluctant to invite strangers to take advantage of perfect fruit premiums and great turnip prices for free. The donation to complete a public works project was a nice gesture but it was just a rice rack so it didn't equal the value of the gold rose stolen. That's really the main problem with thieves isn't it? A few missing imaginary flowers mean nothing to me but the mistrust I develop because of it hurts everyone. I actually started keeping a personal list of friend codes of people I don't trust just to avoid people who make new accounts to avoid suspicion (one of the people on my list has five or six names on disqus).
Believe it or not, stealing is actually hard to get away with if the person you're stealing from knows what they're doing. Keep your flower farms and important items away from the spawn, and if you do have a farm or something like that, surround it with bushes so it takes longer to get in.