If you had to pick a different name, what would you pick?


grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Aug 3, 2015
Space Whale Plush
Splat Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Flower Glow Wand
Regardless of if you like your first name or not, if you HAD to change it, what would you pick?

Vanessa isn't my first name so obviously that would be my pick, but I feel like that's cheating since I already go by it a lot anyways lol. If I had to pick something totally different, I think Kelsi or Hollie would suit me.
I liked Florence and Evelyne a lot when I was younger. I still think they’re cute names but idk if I would change it to that
I strangely like my name already. The only other thing I'd pick I'd likely be scrutinized for anyhow, so I guess it works out.
I did pick my name. I started going by Tina online in 2009 and offline from 2010 onwards.

Alternatively, if I stopped going by this name I'd pick something gender-neutral. Having a clearly gendered name makes me uncomfortable at times.
I like my name, but if I had to chose I'd change it to my nickname Jules. Most people call me that already anyways. Alternatively I'd chose a different way to spell my name because the current spelling also means to cut vegetables into thin strips lol. I'd change it from Julienne to Julianne or Julian.
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I don't wanna say my name, but I'd probably go with a kind of more bizarre name, like the name of an animal, or a colour.
I've been drawn to the name Victoria for a long time now. I think it is a really beautiful name. I also knew someone with the name years ago who shortened it to "Tori" and I always thought that was really cute.
Honestly I'd love for Akira to be my name.It isnt my real name, but i've been used to being called it now. It's a weird name but I just feel so attached to it now.

I probs won't change my name to that but whatever. I think it's nice
idk why, but i really like the name Melanie. i'm okay with my name now, but if i could, i would change it to Melanie.
I've always loved the name Alexandra and, surprisingly, my mom considered naming me that but my dad hated it. So if I changed my name, it would definitely be to Alexandra but I would go by Alex.
I like my name and don?t intend on changing it, but if I did I guess I would go for Wake or Blaine (geez, I wonder where I got the ideas for those from :rolleyes:).

Xenomar God of Decimation.

I feel it just rolls of the tongue, yano.

I would change my actual name to either Stella or Jerico. Idk, Jerico feels very 'me', I never get tired of the name, no matter how often I use it. It's my pen name, my online name on other sites like tumblr, my hhd and acpc name, and my characters name in RF4.
I'd be happy to change my name because I don't think mine suits me very well, but I'm not sure what I'd wanna change it to. River has always been my favorite name but I used to imagine naming one of my kids that if I ever had any so I feel like it might be kinda weird to hear myself being called that. Maybe Brooke or Marin.
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jess, it's not my favourite name or anything but i like it, it's simple and cute and i think it'd suit me unlike a lot of other names i like. my dad really liked the name jess for me but he was overruled which is sad
My name is just fine with me but I always found Aiden to be a cool name. I don?t know how well it would fit me though but... yeah.