I think I've already done something like this but it apparently wasn't in this thread, so here we go again!
Name: Momo (obviously haha)
Species: Cat
Appearance: I'd be a little cat like Katie, or kind of bobble-headed version like cubs (as compared to bears) - and white, with magenta "points" a la Mitzi (with a couple darker stripes on top of the head probably idk), big bright lined eyes a la Pekoe.
First Shirt: I was going to say the pink wave tank, but the flight attendant shirt (with the little bow) is more fitting.
Type: Uchi
Greeting: "Haaay gurl" regardless of the player's gender. Alternately, "AHOY!"
Catchphrase: "No worries" (I say it ALL THE TIME my god)
House Appearance EXTERIOR: Mermaid roof + that blue/pink exterior thing (forget the name) with the mermaid door and plain white picket fence.
House Appearance INTERIOR: A hideous amalgamation of fruit/sweets/citrus stuff tbh, with flowers / flower clocks hung on the walls. Round carpet + blue or green wall, most likely. It'd be cluttered and nothing would go together. Random anchor in the corner.
Stereo Song: Marine Song 2001
Likes: Cute things, nautical things
Dislikes: BUGS, sporty things
Quirks: Is that one villager who's always asking for the same thing... PEACHES. Also constantly sends you letters and presents for no discernible reason. Sometimes you'll get like, a single sheet of paper. Other days you'll get something you've wanted forever. /shrug