• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Selling ❊ IGB, STARTS, WISHLIST COMPLETION! ▷ ALL ITEMS 1 TBT (Discounts available!)

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Jun 26, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Fancy Kitty Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Clownfish Plush
Sheep Plush
Love Ball
Moon Ball
100% (627) +

H A P P Y ❊ N E W ❊ Y E A R!


Just about anything in-game, other than flowers*, are available for sale!
This includes IGB of course, I have a lot to spare!
*I may sell flowers in the near future!

Let's finish the hunt for your wanted items!

▷ S E L L I N G:

Orderable AND Unorderable:

ALL furniture
ALL clothing/accessories
ALL fruit, gardening starts, clovers
ALL StreetPass items

▷ R A T E S:

1 TBT = 200,000 IGB
(thanks UnendingHope!)
only 1 TBT per item!

▷ D I S C O U N T S:

#1 For every 20 items, you get 5 MORE FOR FREE!

#2 If you're a new member (joined within past 2 months),
your order will have a 50% DISCOUNT!

▷ F O R M:

Discounts that apply:

▷ N O T E S:

Please "like" post if you need me.
TBT can be sent after trade.
I prefer you pickup as it may be a lot of items!

Thank you! <3


lowaltitude (37 tbt)
VaIkyrie (25 tbt)
friedegg (65 tbt)
gobby (35 tbt)
Sinmenon (20 tbt)

C O M P L E T E:



Thanks for stopping by!
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Ah you're in luck, I have all of these! And thanks for letting me know lol, it's been so long since I've sold IGB. I have a bank filled to the brim that don't need anymore, so you can buy as much as you need!
Hi there! >This< is my wish list. It's totally cool if you don't have items that are on there, it's constantly updating anyway. I'd also like to buy 2 mil. IGB, if that's alright?
Hi there! >This< is my wish list. It's totally cool if you don't have items that are on there, it's constantly updating anyway. I'd also like to buy 2 mil. IGB, if that's alright?

Hiya! I think I should have all of those, no problem! And 2 million igb is very doable. The total will be 42 tbt (32 for items, 10 for igb). Once it's confirmed this is okay, I'll get your order ready when I get home today!
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Sweet! I'd be happy to pay 42 tbt if it means my search for these items is finally over ;) Thank you so much!
Sweet! I'd be happy to pay 42 tbt if it means my search for these items is finally over ;) Thank you so much!

Okay cool! The latest I'll be home is this evening around 9pm est, will you be around then?

Edit: omg I forgot the discount! You've ordered at least 20 items, so I'll minus -5 tbt from your order! Total will be 37 tbt!

@UnendingHope: this applies to you too! Once you confirm how much igb you'd like, I'll give you your final total!
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Okay cool! The latest I'll be home is this evening around 9pm est, will you be around then?

Unfortunately that would be 3 in the morning for me >.< I'm in no rush to get all the items however, (and seeing as tomorrow will be nye) so I'll gladly trade in the new year if you're okay with that! :blush:
Unfortunately that would be 3 in the morning for me >.< I'm in no rush to get all the items however, (and seeing as tomorrow will be nye) so I'll gladly trade in the new year if you're okay with that! :blush:

Ah sorry! Oh certainly, we can definitely do that! Feel free to post here whenever you're free again. Have a happy new year, and enjoy yourself! x
Ah sorry! Oh certainly, we can definitely do that! Feel free to post here whenever you're free again. Have a happy new year, and enjoy yourself! x

Will do! Thank you so much & a happy early new year to you as well!! ☆
Will do! Thank you so much & a happy early new year to you as well!! ☆

No problem! Thank you! x

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello! Could i get 2 million IGB please, for 10 TBT bells? Thank you :)

Hi there, sure thing! The latest I'll be back home is around 9pm est, if you'll be around then? Or whenever you're available again c:
Hiya :) Just wondering before I order, How many Azalea Starts (either colour) do you have for sale? And what time are you usually available? (Only asking since you said you’d be on at 9PM EST tonight which is 2AM for me and if you’re only on around then I don’t wanna waste your time ordering and then not be able to catch you >-<)

May I also get 2M IG bells
I’d like to get a few of the blue hydrangea starts if possible

Edit: I may be offline at 9pm est so let me know if that’s the only time possible to meet

Hi! Sure thing. How many starts exactly?
And yeah sorry, 9pm est is the best I can do today as I'm with family :c If not tonight, then we can arrange for another time if you like!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiya :) Just wondering before I order, How many Azalea Starts (either colour) do you have for sale? And what time are you usually available? (Only asking since you said you’d be on at 9PM EST tonight which is 2AM for me and if you’re only on around then I don’t wanna waste your time ordering and then not be able to catch you >-<)

Hi there! I literally have closets full of them, each! And yes I do apologize, it's the only time I'm available to trade today ;; but I'm free for a lot of tomorrow!
Ok that should work. Would I be able to get 10 starts?

Also if you have the whole gold tool set I would definitely be interested. I think I will be ok for 9 est though if not I’ll let you o ow :)
hihihi! http://moridb.com/catalogs/luegRXyCsN this is my kitchen wishlist!! the total is 25 TBT ^_^ it'd be 20 with the discount i believe :p could i get 1mil IGB as well? which would be 5 TBT! i guess that would bring the total back up to 25, LOL! let me know if that's A-Okay!!! i'm like 80% sure i'll be online at 9 EST, thanks so much :-D
Ok that should work. Would I be able to get 10 starts?

Also if you have the whole gold tool set I would definitely be interested. I think I will be ok for 9 est though if not I’ll let you o ow :)

Oh sure! So it's

10 items on wishlist (minus tools/hybrids) - 10 tbt
10 starts - 10 tbt
gold tool set - 6 tbt
2 mil IGB - 10 tbt
-total: 36 tbt
with discount (-5): 31 tbt!

And okay! I'll look out for you whenever you are free, no rush c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

hihihi! http://moridb.com/catalogs/luegRXyCsN this is my kitchen wishlist!! the total is 25 TBT ^_^ it'd be 20 with the discount i believe :p could i get 1mil IGB as well? which would be 5 TBT! i guess that would bring the total back up to 25, LOL! let me know if that's A-Okay!!! i'm like 80% sure i'll be online at 9 EST, thanks so much :-D

Hi there! Sure thing, sounds good! I'll look out for you when I get home!
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Ok that sounds perfect to me and I’ll make sure to be on at 9 est. should I send you the tbt now or when we’re about to do the transfer?
Oh sure! So it's

10 items on wishlist (minus tools/hybrids) - 10 tbt
10 starts - 10 tbt
gold tool set - 6 tbt
-total: 26 tbt
with discount (-5): 21 tbt!

And okay! I'll look out for you whenever you are free, no rush c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh also the 2million in game bells as well so 31 tbt total?
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