• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Selling ❊ IGB, STARTS, WISHLIST COMPLETION! ▷ ALL ITEMS 1 TBT (Discounts available!)

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Hey I’m so sorry but I’m about to leave for work :( Any chance I can pick up my items tomorrow? Sorry!

No worries! I can try tomorrow, depending on what time, as it's New Years Eve lol. Message here whenever you're free again and we can work from there. Be safe, and have a good day!

- - - Post Merge - - -

*Was messaged by another user for the pirate hat. Thank you anyways!

Oh dear Lord! How did I miss your message?? I saw you liking my posts but completely missed it HOW. Sending something, I sincerely apologize!
Hello! :) May I buy 14 pink hydrangea bush starts? I joined sometime during mid-December and I'm quite poor TBT-wise, so the discount really helps lol. Please let me know if that's okay and thanks in advance!
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Hello! :) May I buy 14 pink hydrangea bush starts? I joined sometime during mid-December and I'm quite poor TBT-wise, so the discount really helps lol. Please let me know if that's okay and thanks in advance!

Oh absolutely! Welcome to TBT, I'm glad to be able to help! x

14 starts: 14 tbt
New Member Discount (50% off): 7 tbt!

I'll fish them out of storage, I should be open in a few!
hey there! i'll most likely be available tomorrow (probably from 10/11am- 11pm EST)
feel free to shoot me a pm when you are ready!! :)
hey there! i'll most likely be available tomorrow (probably from 10/11am- 11pm EST)
feel free to shoot me a pm when you are ready!! :)

Sure will! <3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello! Are you selling bush starts as well? :)

Yes I am! As many as you like c:
And you may apply the 50% discount as you're a new tbt member!
That sounds great!
Mayor: morgan
Town: Croon
Fc: 3754-7131-6385
Buying: 70x Holly starts (15x more free!)
Tbt total: 35
Thanks so much! :)
Hiya, Sorry for the late reply, Had to go sleep. Yes, 37 TBT is great, Thank you so much! I should be available any time before 7PM EST any day if you’re available before then too? (Sorry it’s not very late but that’s 12am GMT and I really need to stop staying up past 1am even on new years >-<)
Hiya, Sorry for the late reply, Had to go sleep. Yes, 37 TBT is great, Thank you so much! I should be available any time before 7PM EST any day if you’re available before then too? (Sorry it’s not very late but that’s 12am GMT and I really need to stop staying up past 1am even on new years >-<)

Oh no need to be sorry love, I totally understand! That's fine with me lol. I'll let you know when I'm available to trade c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

That sounds great!
Mayor: morgan
Town: Croon
Fc: 3754-7131-6385
Buying: 70x Holly starts (15x more free!)
Tbt total: 35
Thanks so much! :)

You got it hon! You're very welcome!
Also, as you've bought over 20 items, you get 5 more items for free, or you can -5 tbt from the total!

Which would you like?
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Oh! Yes 5 more is perfect! Thank you!

Sure thing, 95 starts it is! I think I did my math wrong earlier and forgot to give you 5 free per 20, so yes you got it right at 90 lol sorry, it's 6:30am and haven't slept yet. I'll give 95 for the confusion!

I'll be available around 2-7pm est if that's okay? New Year's Eve will be pretty busy lol.
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Haha yeah it's like 4am here :p That sounds perfect, honey thank you! See you then :D
Ah you're in luck, I have all of these! And thanks for letting me know lol, it's been so long since I've sold IGB. I have a bank filled to the brim that don't need anymore, so you can buy as much as you need!

Awesome! Sorry I couldn?t get back to you yesterday, I was in NYC all day and I?m still currently not home yet, but I will be later.
Hi! Here is my wishlist :3 http://moridb.com/catalogs/YXk1ZQN6G0

I'm especially interested in the lovely/mermaid items as those sets are almost complete for me ~ thank you!

Hi there! Not a problem, I have everything but the pink carnation! You're eligible for both discounts! For the first discount, would you like to subtract -5 tbt, or add 5 more items?
Name/Town: Sinmenon / Balamb
FC: 1049-0684-6849
Items: Wishlist (50)
Discounts that apply: New member + 2 sets of 20 (10 free items)
Total: 20 TBT

Would that be alright?
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