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I'll review your dream town c: ~*~

If you have some time and motivation left, I would really appreciate some feedback on my town. :) It's more or less finished by now and I love it, but I wonder how visitors might perceive it. I haven't shared my dream code a lot, so I sadly only had 7 dream visitors until now.

My code is 7300-2177-8149. Thank you so much :)

Of course!

To everybody: I have a tab open on my laptop where I am storing everybody's dream addresses, names and any extra details. So if anyone thinks that I haven't seen their request, I have definitely added it to my laptop and I will get round to them as soon as possible. As you can see, I like doing very in depth reviews so that I can give as much feedback as possible to be more helpful and this is what makes me stand out from others doing the same. These long reviews, as much as I enjoy writing them to help people, take a long time to organise and write out in a good format. So please just keep checking on the thread until I get round to yours :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh and a side note!-

I will take screenshots in every town, but it's hard for me to keep transferring my SD card between dreams. So I will post any screenshots whenever I can :)
My town is currently still a Work in progress, a severe work in progress, but I would still like critique xD

Town name : Canela
Mayor : Meily
(Forgot my dream Adress and don't have my 3ds on me)
My town is incomplete but my house is pretty much done :3 I hope you'll tell me what you think of it hehe

Dream code is in my siggy
My dream code is in my signature if you'd like to review it :3 it's still fairly under developed due to the fact that I haven't got the PWPs I want yet. (Curse you fairytale items!) I have a listed of about 10 different PWPs that I'd love, but haven't got x_x
This is really nice of you to do this, I've enjoyed reading your reviews! :) I feel kind of bad for adding another dream code to your list, but you can do mine eventually, if you like: 4800-2245-2005.

My town's in a weird middle stage in which I've made a lot of progress since the beginning of the game, so it's fairly developed, but it's still very far from "finished."
I can relate to what Ponyu said; I'm curious what someone who had no knowledge of my town would think of it!
I'd love some advice on how to get better ^___^


My paths aren't fully finished as I'm waiting to finally be able to access the QR machine with my other character ;___;
So don't mind some paths!
My dream address is 5000-2117-1609. My towns still under development with regards to needing the fairy tale bridge and other pwp of it along with having unwanted villagers move in recently and re arranging flowers. Hopefully this could help me regarding my house due to having two new rooms which I have no idea what to do with or advice in general. ^^
Rating: 10/10
Would I come back?: Most definitely.

Aww T~T Thank you!

For reference, none of them were actually storage (I really just like using up space XXD and have too much I like). More or less, I went into it with the main house being rather traditional with the rest of the houses being more a theme per room.

Emi's first room is essentially someone's private island so I wanted to make it a mix of a traditional island with someone making it their home. To the right is supposed to be a crazy garden/forest so I really mixed it up with what went in there :p

When I got undecided, I did things like the Library-Hospital and the Office-Detective Agency.

Backroom for my main character is essentially her toy room so lots of my favorite things + Adorable Pig Pen XD

But yeah, in general, I tend to like taking a mess and still make it look nice--part of why I can't stand item limits. Like I had several things I wanted to do with the Kitchen (more wall items), but I ran out of space. In fact, every room is pretty much at max items with the exception (somehow) of the upstairs room in the main house. There may be a few others, but then it hits the "if I put this down, I can't get anywhere" which works for some room (Like the Mermaid basement), but less for things like the Game Room, Church, and Library/Hospital.
Hello everybody! I have a big list right now and I am attempting to cram in reviews whenever I have time. Here is the link where I am keeping the waiting list:


As you can see, I have added notes for myself. Please let me know if you want me to add anything extra, I think I can only take a few more reviews now c:
Aw thank you! I have something to add: my 2nd house is a WIP, and the 3rd house is just an empty tent to be ignored. :)
My town is not on the list? :( I asked just before Ponyu on page 2 ;__;
Weavile- There are two towns for Baystion, please let me know which one I should do c:


First impressions - Cute town name, first of all! Upon entering the dream world, I see some beautiful rustic paths and water around the tree. I have a feeling it's gonna be good. You have very nicely layed out paths, it appears you know what you're doing. Pretty impressive villagers!

Landscaping- I've already commented on your paths which are really aesthetically appealing and nice to walk on. It's great to see flowers and trees lining the paths. It really pulls the overall landscaping together. Especially if it's hybrids! (Nice work on those blue roses) Like you said, it truly is a rainbow of flowers. Every colour you can think of, it's just stunning. I came across some PWPs like the flower arches which looked really beautiful. I love your PWP placement. I particularly liked as I walked along the top right corner of your town, all the different fruit trees lining it. I'm not sure why I liked that so much but I thought it looked really nice. Great bus stop placement! Reminds me of CF :') I love the top left corner of the town to, with the log PWPs and pond. Such a cute little area, and a really nice use of that tricky space. I applaud you! Overall, the landscaping is great and I wouldn't change a thing.


Otaku- Nice 711 in the main room. Could do with some music. Love the mannequin. You've done this room well. Sloppy furniture upstairs really fits with the main room somehow, like it's the owner's apartment? I don't know, it's great arrangement though. The overall house has a really nice furniture arrangement to make it fun to look around.

Rei- A palace! My favourite. I love the bush arrangement leading to the bridge outside by the way. Ok, so main room. Mermaid furniture, I like the different flooring. I don't see that often, it works well to bring down the blinding pink of the mermaid set and bring out some nicer tones. I also like the adding of fish and paintings, this really makes the room more personal. The right room is an ice room with some added... pieces. I love the statues in here, it reminds me of the ice queen from Narnia. Villager pictures, very cute. You seem to like Julian a lot :'D Not sure about the music player, the music is cute (who doesn't love Bubblegum KK?!) but I feel like you could maybe get a cute music box or something more discreet? The back room is princess furniture, one of my favourite sets! I love the wall paintings, they add class. And the mannequin too. The chess piece works well, not sure about the Brewster gyroids. Left room is a cafe with sweets furniture. Very cute! The balloons make it very fun, if you got them in pink or yellow thought it would be nice. Upstairs some rococco furniture. The plants are nice and I loooooove the instruments. You really know how to add to a set without losing it's appeal. And downstairs we have the gorgeous set with a Christmas tree and presents? Not sure what this room is supposed to be. It reminds me of a hotel lobby but I don't know.

Rating- 9/10 Because the landscaping is perfect but as great as the houses are, sometimes I felt that you could relate the rooms to eachother a bit more in Rei's. However, if you're going for a good HHA score you're on point!
Would I come back?- Yes, I'd be happy to

- - - Post Merge - - -

My town is not on the list? :( I asked just before Ponyu on page 2 ;__;

Sorry! I must not have seen it! Thanks for letting me know, you'll be added in to your rightful place.

- - - Post Merge - - -


First impressions: Nice paths around your plaza, and the paths overall are very cute. Nice layout.

Landscaping: As I said, you have very nice paths and well laid out. Beautiful flowers, and lots of nice tree and bush arrangement. I feel like some areas of your town (around Sakura's house and around Whitney's house) could be more developed with more trees, bushes, maybe a PWP? It just felt a bit bare compared to the rest of the town which was beautiful. The further I explored, the more I came to love your paths so much that I feel I should bring them up for the third time. Truly beautiful. I loved the little 1x1 paths. In particular I like the area below the campsite. You have worked well around this winding river and gave the town a lot of character.


Sakura- The main room appears to be a cafe, put some music in here! It would really liven it up. The furniture is very nice though and uniquely arranged. I really like the layout of this room. Upstairs, I'm not sure what to think! It leaves me wondering what kind of room this could be. A VIP room? A secret club? Enlighten me!

Megan- I took a screenshot immediately outside of your house, it looked magnificent. The main room is no surprise, mermaid furniture. You did well with the lighting to make it a bright pink seen from the outside, it made me curious what was within. Now the left room, seems to be a little apartment with the bathroom sectioned off. Forgive me if I'm wrong. I really liked the layout of the furniture though, you used to space very well. Maybe some subtle music? I have a thing for music. This could be added to the main room too. I feel like it would benefit from a giant clam music box in there. Back room is princess furniture, very pretty. Feels a bit bare at the very front of the room, however. Maybe some moth orchids? They would look nice there. I liked the mannequin and the clothes displayed. Very cute. Now sloppy furniture on the right? This doesn't really tie in with the rest of the house but I'll go with it. Again, nice use of the mannequin. The arrangement of furniture in here is very unique. I love sectioned off areas, more to explore! Upstairs is rococco furniture, very nice. I like how you added other things too, like the music player and wall flowers. Not sure about the thing on the dresser? What is that? Downstairs is a cute polka dot room with a nice overall vibe but needs some stuff added at the back, for sure. However, the rest of the room is very sweet and I liked it a lot.

Rating: 9/10 Beautiful town, needs a bit more developing in some areas of town and houses.
Would I come back?: Probably

hellokittycrossing.tumblr.com -Her tumblr!
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SCREENSHOTS! My post is getting long haha.. sorry.. but here are some screenshots I took in towns I've visited so far. HNI_0052.JPGHNI_0053.JPGHNI_0057.JPGHNI_0058.JPGHNI_0060.JPGHNI_0064.JPGHNI_0065.JPG
Could you look at my town please :), my town isn't finished yet but it's about half way :). I updated today, address is 6300-2902-4216.

I've got one of my characters in a decorated tent, the other house isn't finished yet. My mayors house is a little over crowded in some rooms at the moment due to me holding gifts for friends I haven't been able to give them yet.
Oh and by the way, please also ignore Bonnie's house, it's my sister's house, so she's quite messy xD

Rating: 9/10 Beautiful town, needs a bit more developing in some areas of town and houses.
Would I come back?: Probably

hellokittycrossing.tumblr.com -Her tumblr!

Thank you so much for that review. It was really interesting & I appreciated your criticism~ c:
I'll definitely add some music, haha!
Ok, that's it! I'm closing up shop c:

I will finish off the reviews on the list but any more after this post won't be done. I only have so many hours in the day. If you missed the list, here it is: shrib.com/sXdVmebH

There are other threads but I am the only one who gives a really in depth review, so please be patient and I'm sure you won't be dissatisfied! Keep checking up on this thread until I review yours. Thanks :D