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I'm a loner, are you?

are you a loner?

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a chicken
Jun 6, 2016
Sautéed Mushrooms
aka people who don't have friends, post anything that bothers you, or even complain,,,,

I for one, don't have any friends, and have been stuck in the same school for a long time, and I'm still misunderstood and left with no one to befriend with, only to be seen as an object or a weak person to the, :'), eh I don't mind that much, but it can be heartbreaking at times., there's even more but I don't want to post a chunk of text,,

what about you?
Im not a loner as im always surrounded by friends but i can understand the loneliness you're going through. Its like there's no one to talk to and no one to celebrate your happy times and its agonising. I've been there before when i was younger until i took the initiative to make some friends.
I think that, by definition, a loner is someone that is alone through choice, they choose not to associate with others. As apposed to a lonely person who is alone but not necessarily through choice and isn't happy with it.

Anyway, since I was a very young child I always had problems relating to people, of course I had "friends" as a child but during my early teens I started really distancing myself from people and saying that I don't need friends or any people for that matter, I just wanted to live in the forest or something completely alone, I went through years and years of school with not even as much as speaking to one person. Now that I'm a little older I realise that my thoughts and relationships with other people most definitely aren't healthy, and probably due to some issues and past things, but honestly it doesn't bother me. I don't have "friends" that I do stuff with or anything, but like I said, it doesn't bother me. Some people want to be surrounded with people and friends, I have a few family members, people I speak to online and one good friend, and that's good enough for me, I don't really get lonely.
I have a lot of online friends but IRL, definitely a loner. It's not the matter of being disliked either, I have acquaintances and people at the school I graduated from liked me, but I just don't really feel the need to pursue close relationships most of the time. I've been invited to parties or outings too, but I am just not really into that stuff usually, so most of the time I enjoyed staying home more.

I have one good IRL friend and we meet up maybe twice a month or so, because I am the kind of person who just rarely craves interaction with people.
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I use to be when I was in elementary. This was the time where I've gotten bullied a lot and had wayyy to many problems on my plate that a average 10 year old shouldn't have. I was quiet most of the time because I was sad and this automatically gave people the idea to make fun of me thus I still continue not to talk.

In my last couple of years in elementary, I finally stood up for myself and got into a fight. I ended up beating her up and even ask other who had some mad up problem with me can fight me as well cause clearly "we lack communication skills". This is when I begin to become more outspoken, blunt, "entitled" or even a btch if you like to call it that. I've became more invested in myself physically and mentally. I began to talk more because that's what my mother been trying to teach me when I was way younger orz.

I think you're a loner if your mindset is "me against them" to point you're separating yourself from society because of your misunderstood complex. There were times where I tried befriending a few people who were so caught up in their emo ego that they've become boring. Lol this is beginning to sound like mean girls. Some people are just boring.
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I don't get how people can live without friends

no i'm not a social butterfly, I'm a quite lonely person but tbh sometimes being alone sucks... I don't see the point of becoming a loner
Uh, I thought loners didn't like having friends. I'm a classic loner. I just need one person in my life and that's enough, any more is too much. I like being alone. Right now I am lonely because I haven't seen my boyfriend in months, but normally I'm good cuz he's here.
I don't get how people can live without friends

no i'm not a social butterfly, I'm a quite lonely person but tbh sometimes being alone sucks... I don't see the point of becoming a loner

Being around people drains me within 10 minutes and I need to seek solitude. I'm not sure how people can be around each other all the time .-. I don't have a problem with people though and I don't have a me against the world attitude, we all stand together. I just get very, very tired. I can't see straight and sounds get louder, so I start getting clumsy and irritated. This might be just an autistic thing, but I was under the assumption that all introverts kinda get this way some point?
Being around people drains me within 10 minutes and I need to seek solitude. I'm not sure how people can be around each other all the time .-. I don't have a problem with people though and I don't have a me against the world attitude, we all stand together. I just get very, very tired. I can't see straight and sounds get louder, so I start getting clumsy and irritated. This might be just an autistic thing, but I was under the assumption that all introverts kinda get this way some point?

I mean being alone, completely alone

you have your boyfriend so you arent "alone" because you have someone who, well, is there for you
Being around people drains me within 10 minutes and I need to seek solitude. I'm not sure how people can be around each other all the time .-. I don't have a problem with people though and I don't have a me against the world attitude, we all stand together. I just get very, very tired. I can't see straight and sounds get louder, so I start getting clumsy and irritated. This might be just an autistic thing, but I was under the assumption that all introverts kinda get this way some point?

Yeah I'm definitely like that too. I'm able to go to school/work for 8 hours but after that I really need to be alone. I like spending time with my friends during the day though.
i like being alone, but i have friends because i need them for partner projects.
wow i didn't know how mean that sounded.
Yeah I'm definitely like that too. I'm able to go to school/work for 8 hours but after that I really need to be alone. I like spending time with my friends during the day though.

I couldn't even stand having friends and I struggle with work and school. After about 2 hours I can't even talk.
I am constantly pushed by family to go out and associate with friends and acquaintances, but after a long day of being surrounded by complete morons in school, I just want to come home and be by myself for the rest of the night. So I guess I choose to be a loner but when it comes down to one of my few friends being unable to talk to be, I guess I kind of regret it.
I mean being alone, completely alone

you have your boyfriend so you arent "alone" because you have someone who, well, is there for you

I can't even talk to him or see him right now though. Completely alone isn't bad to me. I get more lonely around people. My boyfriend just doesn't bother me as quicky as other people do and he's kinda my social lubricant. He talks for me and stays by me in public so I don't get annoyed as easily. I really appreciate him for understanding, he's great. But if I could just be alone all the time I wouldn't mind much, that just isn't possible though.

(note: sorry for posting so much, I don't have much to do at the moment for once)
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No I'm not a loner. I don't have loads of friends but the ones I do have I am very close to and I like going out and spending time with them.

I used to hate going out though and being around people when I was depressed, but I'm glad I've gotten over that now. Not to offend some of you guys, or come across as being harsh, but it's always important to be able to have contact with other people. Even if it's just chatting to a sales assistant at a shop or speaking to a family member or someone over the phone, it's really, really important. Isolating yourself completely could be detrimental to your mental health. I get that some people prefer their own company, and even now, I really appreciate and need my own "alone time" as well because constantly going out can exhaust me, but it's still important to be with other people. It just makes you feel appreciated.
I have friends but I'd rather be alone. tbh i dont really need friends
I kind of am. I don't socialize a lot with the people I used to be friends with. I hang out with a few people, but not every day, and I don't feel the need to text people 24/7.
I haven't had any friends since high school. I mean yeah I had friends but they were either school friends or work friends there's a difference. Outside of school or work I never hung out with my friends and never went to a school dance I guess it was just never my thing. I'm pretty outgoing and friendly though but I think it has something to do with not acting my age? Most people in their 20's want to party, go out every night and drink and I rather stay at home with my dogs and watch movies with my grandma. Lol