Whenever I get wii points I think beforehand "What do I want to spend it on" I get 2000 points each time and this time there's really only two games I want, Super Mario world and Megaman 64 (it's the only mega man game I love, wait has it even been released to VC yet?) but I wanted to wait until maybe SSB was released too but then that leaves me with a decision, I could get Mario world and Megaman 64, Megaman 64 and SSB, or SSB and Mario world, but then again the two N64 games aren't even out yet I don't think, so what do you think I should do?
pick the asnwers out of a hat, but thats not all, if you pick to out an your thinkin in your head oh damn! theeeen you obviously get the other one ( i know this is kinda obvious but still)
I'm pretty sure Mega Man 64 isn't on Virtual Console yet... I'm getting World of Goo next, because I've heard so many good things about it. I also need to get A Link to the Past sometime...
i would probably get whatever's going to cost the most amount of points first so i never have to get that amount again. but if the points aren't an issue, i'd get mario + megaman first if i were you.